
I love that they did a Bentley Brooklands as well; that car already had such presence, and now is a silent behemoth (I’d leave off the ‘electric’ badges and just surprise people though), but to look at it, you’d never know.

That was my first thought; the build looks nice, but unlike a Porsche or MR2, which were designed from the grounnd up with the engine back there, this seems like it would have a surprise for you the first corner you threw it into.

If this had side pipes, I would need some alone time with myself...

IDK; years ago when my car was in an accident, I was supposed to have a Monte Carlo for a rental, but ultimately ended up in a Geo Metro.

I have both (89 and a 96); each has their own distinct appeal to me. That said, I prefer the Fox body mainly because I like angles/lines (and the 96 is the exact opposite of that; there isn’t a flat surface in or outside the car!)

I’m a cheapskate, so...2020 Lincoln Continental. AWD, cool, comfortable, reliable, twin turbo AWD car with 24k on it under budget for only $36,900 (and for a 4 year old car, could probably be talked down a few grand off that):

Exactly. I can imagine the amount of laughter from the sales people to the janitor if I walked into a Ferrari dealership, told them I wanted that car, and was putting 0 money down.

Who wore it better?

I thought it was just me, or maybe a bad pic, but yeah.

That has to be a typo; I think maybe it was supposed to be “E 350" as I think the biggest in that series was like an A 210 (I’d only ever seen the A series in Canada until recently, so I was kinda surprised when it was mentioned in the article).

I have an 89 Mustang with a Pioneer AVIC-D3 receiver; you can customize the screens on it, and one time I did this one:

NGL, when I read “Georgia sheriff” and “Burger King”, before I scrolled down I was totally expecting the person to look like this:

Yup. Even in pretty blue Pittsburgh, I’ve seen businesses in the surrounding counties with enormous Trump signs on them, or “I’m voting for the felon!” and stuff like that. I guess they feel confident that most people around them are with them, as I personally would not patronize a business that subscribed to that

If anyone should be a spokesperson for *Solitaire*, this guy should be it!

I took that part to mean, “to add insult to injury, they filled up with the most expensive gas, only to have the car end in fiery death regardless”.

I’d think you’d only need to take one out, and that will lead you to the origin of the rest...

And don’t have the misfortune of running into another driver who also has Progressive; they actually tried to say in essence “we’re not liable on either end of this” when that happened to me. After having a long conversation with one of their agents, they finally agreed to fix my car, but I was like, if I pay my

Unless someone needed a VIN for a different/rebuilt 308, why would anyone take such a thing? There were absolutely 0 useable parts left on that thing!

(chuckle) There are exceptions to every rule...

Ran into the ground when parked.