
Yeah, the “affordable” part made me laugh; I am flying from PA to TX next month, and a round trip ticket is nearly $400 (the fact that the airport I’m flying into (Love Field) is the home airport for Southwest, you’d think it would be cheaper than any other airport, but anyway...)

(shows up to Guntherwerks like...)

And if you look at it from the side it looks like a croissant...or a hibachi shrimp!

(sigh) Only seen one in person, and it was gorgeous!

Very cool!

Ironically, I am headed there next week; if I find any debris while out and about, I’ll send photos!

TBH, I thought they did this like this to highlight the individual pieces, because otherwise it looks like the front splitter and fenders were one item, and the rear wing was part of the original car, whereas it seems you can just get the splitter, or the flares, or the wing or the hood individually.

Pagani was never my favorite car manufacturer (I’d always said their tag line should be “Pagani-Tacky Even By Italian Standards!” or something) cause their esthetic was always so over-the-top. Taken individually, their details are actually pretty awesome, but when you projectile vomit all of said details onto a

At this point, BaT is practically a high-end car auction house, given what folks seem to keep paying for first and second year M3's, so...

That’s the massager for your balls...or something.

It’s funny; they filmed the movie Rustin here in Pittsburgh a few years back (as well as Fences, which I did a small part in), and it never ceased to amaze me that they could source these exact buses and vehicles from so long ago (which you’d think would have all disappeared by now), and be able to use them for movies

Same, though more due to the fact that my mom had the Allante’, so I thought of the Reatta as the shabby stepsister back then. I do appreciate that the first two years of these were actual hardtop cars (unlike the Allante’ with the removable hardtop), so they were more solid if that’s what one wanted, but if you

I’ve got to dig thru my old photos, but pretty sure I saw this in person years ago at the Indy Speedway Museum when I was there; nice place but at the time, it seemed like the cars were super crammed into the spaces they occupied. We also did a thing where they took you out on the track for a loop in a small bus (we

For me, the bigger story was that Hertz rented 4 Runners; the Mach E I knew about cause of the Shelby thing, but this was interesting.

This, and I would think that since the rental car company has your credit card info, if you returned a car all beat up, that’s coming out of your pocket, so I’d think most people would take better care of the rental than their own car, since if you nick or scrape your own car, you can just live with it.

That’s the part that cracks me up; like, you don’t have gas money, but you have tacky merchandise money. You don’t have rent money, but you can spend money and time and gas to go to all these rallies. You don’t have egg money, but you can contribute to the campaign of an alleged billionaire.

I feel like, it’s a NP if you always wanted one of these specifically and didn’t grab one when they were new, which this practically is. People buy cars far after their manufacture date for a variety of reasons, and I feel like this should be no different, even given the price point. That said, I don’t see the point

That was my thought as well; if they don’t have the parts (or the tech availability, cause let’s face it-the dealer is going to prioritize paid work over recall work, I’m guessing), so folks are gonna drive around like this until they absolutely have to or know they can get the work done.

Yeah, Farmer’s would definitely have been in that price range. I usually stay on Beverly just up the street from there/by CBS studios, and have walked down there before. Now there is a Trader Joe’s across from there, but in 2010, there probably wasn’t a McDonald’s in that immediate area, and as you noted, if you don’t

If I saw that on the street, I would not pivot to “there goes $309k of SUV” immediately, if ever.