
Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.”

Are you saying that the Hyundai Sonata I saw yesterday at the Dollar Store with the “Limited” badge was in fact...not limited?

Instead of Colani, VW should have called that the Colander...cause it looks like something you’d dry your pasta or vegetables out with.

Yeah, that one was like, why did you waste everyone’s time cobbling that nonsense together?

I legit thought someone was trolling with that one, cause it looks like a 90's Corolla:

Meanwhile, they based that off of when they actually discovered that the scissors were missing; if someone had actually taken them with the purpose of getting on a flight and doing no good, how would you determine which plane they had gotten on (if they had already boarded) and if that plane was already in the air?

The idea of doing that for a restomod is great, but then...

Flavor Flav should step in to help out, considering you can see this from space:

(raises level of inappropriateness...but also it kinda bears semblance)

They go through all the trouble to make a special edition of this, and it only comes in an auto? Not even half of the cars in manual and the other half auto?

Have a friend who used to have a 2008 Four Runner that he’d gotten up to 298k; the only reason he didn’t make it to 300k (which was his goal) was that the frame rotted,and he didn’t want to spend the money to refix it, as he’d felt he’d gotten all the usage out of it.

Exactly. She had one job...and is getting pilloried for actually doing it. If she didn’t, then the spin would be “oh, she’s soft on crime, she lets criminals go!” People who constantly use her prosecutorial career as a cudgel always seem to leave out the part where she also promoted programs that provided alternatives


We had an S-10 with those same colors in the interior (exterior was burgundy). And my 89 Mustang was burgundy with this identical interior:

My mom had an 82 Eldorado that was pale yellow (like in this pic) with a pale yellow interior. The dash top was an olive color but otherwise both interior and exterior were yellow.

96 Mustang GT convertible here, brand new off the lot, and it had 12 miles. They were actually finishing some prep on it when I picked it up.

(sigh) These are among my favorite cars ever made. Love the proportions and the wheels complement the car’s color well. Someone is gonna get an awesome car when this is all over!

Came here to say, this screams Jay Leno. Car guy, deep pockets, actually drives what he owns, has all kinds of unusual automotive oddities and it, Jay!

They sell the Outlander, the EclipseCross,and the Mirage. So you will literally have two cars to choose from at Mitsubishi once the Mirage goes away, unless as this article says, they bring over some small SUV in it’s place. Mitsubishi should just exit the US market for now, as I doubt people are clamoring for any of

You have to use ‘this one weird trick’...