Very nice; were all of these like an old Bronco, in which you could remove the roof, or did they make non-removable roof versions also?
Very nice; were all of these like an old Bronco, in which you could remove the roof, or did they make non-removable roof versions also?
People up the wall with his nonsense.
I love that the rest of the car is tired, but someone took the time to spray Armor All on the tires. Fancy!
I like this car for its unusualness and rarity with the manual, and the condition is really good (that said, I’d prefer the looks of the 08 refresh if I’m going to spend $30k/more for one). As for this one, it does seem like the ask on the 03 convertibles is in this ballpark, and I saw another one of the manual ones…
Time travel...get into it!
Considering that one guy in California drove off a cliff in one and everyone in the car survived, I agree.
Me too, though I plan on being in a pool with multiple beers nearby!
...which explains why my mind was blown when I’d read this article; I never even knew these existed!
TBH, I’ve seen more of those than the Allante’ (which ran from 87 to 93, so basically the same amount of production years), and I’ve actually seen a fair number of the ELRs, plus someone in a car group I’m in has one. And apparently there is some fix/conversion folks have been doing with the XLR tail lamps (I think it…
Are the cops looking at the same vehicle I am in the pic? Cause...
They aren’t my cup of tea,but in that same era, I love the 400!
My cousin had a Q45 years ago, and at first when he got it, I couldn’t understand the appeal. But after riding in it, I was pretty impressed. Quiet, fast, nice looking, it was a great alternative to a BMW, Mercedes, etc. of that time if you wanted somethng diffferent.
While the whole ‘my cancer came back because of this’ thing I’m gonna bypass (, I do give her/them some leeway in this instance:
Not my usual cup of tea (so to speak), but this is pretty nice, even with work needed, so I went NP. This part is kinda interesting:
I just wanna know what other cars this “sports car enthusiast” had that he had a freaking Miura and said “nah, won’t be driving this one!” and drove other stuff.
Well, that has to make merging onto a freeway interesting terrifying...
Yeah, I was thinking, they’re more focused on generating revenue by selling assigned seats than their planes almost going splat.
“The time to bring up child endangerment charges was when the kid was ticketed a few years back for driving without a license. The state parents knows they fucked up by failing to address the issue years ago.”