Came here to say this!
While I like the Reatta, Buick never made a V8 one, and the convertible version they did make didn’t have an available hard top like this does. And as there was never a 2-seat convertible Olds counterpart, I gotta go with the Caddy.
Well, now that he’s been arrested, he’ll have plenty of time to design rockets...or whatever he was doing prior to this.
I mean, it’s bad enough that this happened once to this person, but after that one time (which would be enough for me, BTW), wouldn’t you, as the owner, think “maybe I shouldn’t engage this FSD mode near a train crossing, as it almost ended me the last time I did?”
Sort of reminds me of the time when GM/Chevy was working on that whole drive-by wire thing and resorted to this:
To me, that was the more interesting article.
IDK...the headline ”Delta airbus that burst into flames” and “nose of Delta plane briefly catching fire” for the video title seem a bit disparate...
That or Illinois; anyone who has ever driven in Chicago knows what I mean!
I was in DC last weekend, and the friend I was visiting was telling me about the speed cameras, and how you make sure you’re at or a little below the limit, as they will snap/get you. So if I have a whole caravan of folks behind me down there, I’m going the limit in those areas- they voted for that nonsense, they can…
(...then he proceeded to hit them on the head without stopping, because LAPD)
Exactly. The same people b!tching about other people trying to stuff their entire life into a carry-on for that reason or because they’re flying an airline that charges them for checked bags, are the same people b!tching because those folks are now tying up the boarding process attempting to fit that carry-on into the…
I say NP; if you want one factory perfect, go find it; I’m sure several owners kept them as they started life. But if you want to actually drive and enjoy one, this is kicked up a notch, and the mileage says you don’t have to baby it or worry about that. Worse case, parts to switch it back to stock are available, and…
I mean take the publicity L as in simply admitting wow, we really screwed this up big time- not only charged a customer for gas in a car that doesn’t utilize it (which should have been an immediate “sorry, we’ll address this right away!” and done/over with), but to a President’s Circle status member-if they did that…
Is it a NP? Of course it is; you could put this on a credit card if need be.
My 08 Escape has the coin holders, and I love that! Also has the center console that can be removed to put things the size of a tablet in there (and put the console back, so if you didn’t know it came out, you wouldn’t know to look under there for stuff). The other party trick the center console did was that there was…
Like Hertz doesn’t have enough bad publicity around it as is. They should have taken the L, refunded his money and kept it moving. Which, once this gets widespread coverage, they ultimately will do.