Fitz Rhapsody

That woman professor is one of the most disgusting-looking human beings I have ever seen. I'm writing the comment as the video continues running so that I don't have to look at her. Who on earth ever thought that nose rings like that could ever be a good idea?

Um, I hated Final Fantasy 12, and so did most of my friends (the plot was abysmal). I've already beaten Final Fantasy 13 twice, and now I'm working on getting all the ultimate weapons. Maybe I'm Japanese at heart or something...

I live like FIVE MINUTES from there. YES PLZ

I disagree. Ebert never should have shared his opinion and neither should you. I'm pissed at myself for expressing my opinion here at all.

@hk458: That was my request with Chicago in the Dark Knight, since Chicago has one of the more recognizable skylines in the U.S. You saw how that worked out, so I wouldn't hold my breath, unfortunately :P

Content is NOT the only important issue with news. The president was saying that information - useful or not - is so ubiquitous that people are now reading Web sites on their Blackberries and reading news tickers when standing in line places instead of watching their kids or making eye contact with someone. He's

Today is Hitler's birthday.

I'm glad he addressed the scores. That's sound reasoning, not "I'm going to make up some BS excuse" reasoning. Westerners DO, in general, like "sandbox games" (i.e. GTA4). I, however, thought GTA4 blew ASS, so I can really take or leave the "sandbox" effect as long as a game is fun. Hence I will probably like FFXIII.

This was actually REALLY nice. This is exactly the kind of thing I want to do at my wedding: incorporate video game elements (like music) that gamers will know and love, but that non-gamers will just think "that's pretty much." It's not over-the-top or gimmicky but is special to the groom (and, presumably, bride), and

Miserably disappointing. What a waste of my time! The gay community can do a LOT better than this, not to mention magazines in general.

Did you guys not get the memo about the Legend of Zelda 3-poster set for 350 coins? Which is COMPLETELY FULL OF AWESOME? How could you possibly miss that?!!

I have been playing with the Javelin glitch NON-STOP on my 360 (maybe about 8 total hours of it) and haven't been banned or anything... and I know for a fact that people have been reporting me, since they've been messaging me to tell me so. I don't know what kind of "policing" MS is doing, but it's not much, if

"ITS" DS sequel/prequel is not. NOT "IT'S." Jesus Christ, good journalism is dead.

link fail

I took the day off work Tuesday. Let's just say that I'm going to be playing MW2 for a LONG EFFING TIME. #callofdutymodernwarfare2

The vast majority of Guitar Hero III achievements are ungodly stupid ridiculous to achieve, so that explains that.

I hate YOU #tud

Dissidia... some MORE. I'm a little over 120 hours into the game and I can't get enough. I may have to try to get 100% completion... *sigh* #gametime

Modern Warfare 2.