Fitz Matush

Fuck me your comment was good. Some people “get it” and some people just got nothing.

You forgot Dolly.  Kacey is closest to a modern Dolly.  

Your brain really is puny if you’ve not noticed the farm to table movement.

I do plenty of cycling and a lot of routes I’d ride had lots of time added. I’m now nowhere near the level of performance I was and I consider myself pretty fit.

It’s likely why you don’t see trans men achieving the same levels.

This is the only thing that makes me think that maybe there might be a biological advantage provided by male hormones or by virtue of being born biologically male.

I wasn’t even talking about trans people. You asked if Americans had an advantage. If we make sports “fair” by whittling them down to the least common denominator, that’s no longer a sporting competition; it’s a party. No one has a right to play sports at the highest level and to be assured all of the competitors win

No. Olympic medals have nothing to do with fair life. No ones rights are infringed because they didn’t win a medal. It’s not a problem that requires rules to be fixed; it’s not a broken part of life that is worth any manipulation.

Do you think that something about being American gives an athlete inherent advantage and that that explains the US’s disproportionate dominance in the medals race at the Olympics?

I’m confused. You mention the Miata and 86 as competition for the Integra, but then say you’re going to spend $55K on a BMW?

Is double jeopardy in play on the charges or the event? He has been charged with 1st degree, if he gets off, can they go after him for 2nd degree for the same event?  Or is it simply he can be retried for this event? 

make it look *a little* different than every other car in the Acura line-up.

I’ll do it.



If they knew what goes into designing and engineering a car and then manufacturing that car they would be impressed.  But people are impressed by consumption not results of actions. 

Are you VarianceVQ from the car lounge?

They’re not judging the price as compared to other RS, that’s not the point of this game.  

Just because the market is what it is doesn’t mean someone can’t think something is overpriced for what you get.

Right. Are there good and bad all seasons? Yes. But there are good and bad tires in every variety. Buy good all seasons.