
Yeah why not take a bunch of hysterical activists at their word. I mean obviously a group of borderline insane activists speaks for everyone at the school.

Mhmm. I know you do sweetie.

Again, no amount of evidence would ever convince you. You’re a true believer. You think that women are incapable of lying for some bizarre reason.

We’re not talking about all the schools. We’re talking about one: Columbia.

She’s not just “being nice to him.” She’s acting like someone who wasn’t raped by him. And I’m sorry, but it strains credulity to imagine that these particular messages fall into the category of “acting weird after being sexually assaulted,” or whatever. Sulkowicz flat-out pines for their next “paul-emma chill sesh.”

that’s a bizarre reading of what I wrote. but you’re right, you didn’t outright tell anyone they “can’t” write their criticisms of Sulkowicz’s
art, but you’re definitely trying to shut them down. But again, that’s only a small part of what I wrote, which personally I think is something important to take note of. You

of course. not sure where you think I’m saying they can’t cover it. I even noted that Jezebel has an interest in doing so, alluding to their history of covering her case in my post. I also have a right to comment on an article about Sulkowicz’s art being obvious and obviously self-promoting just as much as they do in

The contemporary art world is full of no-talents, grifters and charlatans; and while I think Sulkowicz is a mixture of all three, she’s not all that different than any number of other conceptual artists out there right now making criticism-proof “art” that mostly serves as further self-promotion (see Shia LaBouef for

You are so incredibly full of crap it almost beleagues belief..

Messages in which she asks him to hang out and come to parties for months after a supposedly brutal rape? Messages in which she makes it clear she wants to date him? Something that he made clear he wasn’t interested in?

Or people that can actually analyze evidence objectively.

We’re commenting on Sulkowicz because she’s the focus of this article, which attempts to lend her undeserved gravitas as an artist.

Sorry, of course the attention hungry it does.

It makes sense that Sulkowicz considers themselves greater than any one person.

Why hasn’t Sulkowicz taken responsibility for what she did with regard to Nungesser? Her narrative around ‘Carry the Weight’ turned out to be almost completely untrue. If I were caught lying that bad, and the consequences were that someone else had to leave school, I’d never show my face again.

What a fucking hack. If you have any integrity here on the ol’ Jezebel (which I find unlikely, but who knows), stop giving her airtime.

Of course she does.

FYI: Emma uses they/them pronouns.

Emma Sulkowicz* - artist**