
great title to this post, very intelligible

Am I not up in some slang? This title makes no fucking sense.

The use of the word dead really, really bothers me.

I have no idea what this is saying... did ‘dead’ pick up a new meaning I missed? Seriously someone help me with this. I can’t focus on any of the article with this eating at my brain...

Kanye West hangs with Trump, defends Bill Cosby but Taylor Swift is the enemy...okay lol. West was the one who called her ‘that bitch’ in a song while acting like it was going to be a compliment. Keep sucking his egomaniac dick though.

This is just such a weirdly vindictive article. There is enough division in the world today without feeding it with this spiteful nonsense. This isn’t intersectional feminism, it’s just tearing people down to no end.