
Have you daily driven a HD truck to justify your position? I have limited experience and it’s not fun. When driven empty (most of the time if it’s a commuter) they’re rough to the point of being a torture device and diesel MPGs aren’t great, especially considering the upfront, maintenance, and higher fuel costs.

This one is made in Alabama, but the standards set seem to still be held. 

Picking the worst from a genre of bad. As far as good film making goes, I can’t think of one that is a good car movie. 

Twin turbo V6, not V8. Some may not, but I expect better editing from a jalop writer. 

Every single Hummer on the road was bought to impress people. Maybe to irritate people, but I’d file that under a desire to impress. 

This spoiled rich kid definitely came to the wrong comment section. He was born lucky; enjoy life. 

When I bought my last three new cars, I had to find a new hobby to replace cruising AT. 

Every finance guy is going to push gap coverage. My CU, and I assume all CUs and maybe banks, has gap coverage baked into my loan. If my truck is totaled, I’m covered. I would be in the impossible position to replace it, though. 

Ram is the quintessential truck for a dude who does not need a truck. 

If you think every truck is driven by an actual blue collar doer to a job site or farm, you’re delusional.

If this were a movie, it would be too ridiculous. 

You know they’re using “six” as a synonym for behind more than necessary. I groan every time some movie has “watch you six!” in the dialogue.

Westnedge Ave in Portage?

I see her point. She has earned recognition in the Humanitarian HOF,  all of country music honorary groups obviousl, but rock n roll? She’s country, not rock and there’s nothing wrong with that. I think the RRHOF is trying to attach itself to her star and universal approval.

Republican governor of the literal sunshine state disincentives solar power. Checks out.  

Throughout the pandemic I made the point that we’re lucky the freedom whiners weren’t around in WWII. They would be throwing scrap metal in the garbage, rolling coal, hoarding food staples, etc. to show how much they loved liberty.

I really like the Italian night club, but this seems like an much better reason to boycott than walmart editing Nirvana covers when I was a kid.

I will rent generators to get my inlaws out of my house.

And it was 500 years in the future. We really accelerated the idiocy. Bonus: I always thought Sean William Scott played Beef Supreme; it was the unknown Wilson bro.

If a contractor showed up in a blinged out truck I’d send him packing.