How would a flight attendant ever enforce masks based on vax status? I’m fine with the FAA just ditching any mask mandate and letting us roll the dice.
How would a flight attendant ever enforce masks based on vax status? I’m fine with the FAA just ditching any mask mandate and letting us roll the dice.
I have people so near and dear to me that I keep my opinion to myself on this. No, your two kid families don’t require Suburbans and CC HD trucks. But it’s a status thing that I can never change.
I live in the middle of rural working class America and while you have a point, someone who insists on driving a truck as a lifestyle statement and aligns all hobbies around burning fossil fuels deserves no sympathy.
The Taycan vent engineers would disagree.
GM giving their trucks a makeover. The new Sierra looks much better and loses the hungry hippo grill. Silverado isn’t improved as much. In a couple years, see how they can calm down the HDs.
Bullitt was one of the first films where problematic themes clicked for me. It was an intentional slow burner for its time but smacking his woman lost it for me. I’m sure its full of cigs and no seat belts, too.
Clive Owen should have been Bond back in the early 00s based on his killing it the the BMW driver shorts.
Capacitive touch controls, flappy gear selectors, hackable connectivity and subscription over the air updates, the list goes on. I can think of a few useful innovations from the past decade or so: A/C seats, blind spot warnings and back up cameras. Add those to a reliable analog car and I’d be a happy buyer.
That’s odd; what SUV was it? When I was a valet 15 years ago the keyless start vehicles of the time would start to honk if the driver walked away with the key. I also read, long ago-don’t recall the source, that they would turn off if the key was carried away from the car. At the very least there would be an alert in…
I had an ‘11 TDI SportWagen 6M that I miss dearly. Sold it for the $8k on the bank note pre pandemic but it allowed me to buy land, so while it stings, it was still the right call. I was leery of the $1k emissions filter replacement and cracked rear spring apparently common to these; both likely fixed more than once…
A hair over the speed limit
Yeah modern 1/2 ton trucks are just nice places to be and to drive. Don’t get me wrong, I think there are too many of them on the road to the detriment of other drivers and our environment.
Yes I don’t see how the coin trick would benefit the parent >50% of the time unless it was a fake coin or the kid was so young they couldn’t read a coin. Freezer jam is like jelly but with chunks of macerated fruit in it. My midwest roots make me familiar but I guess it could be from any region.
Ha, true, though I usually hear that as propaganda for the military industrial complex.
Campers, SxSs, watercraft of people who don’t live on water; all of these redneck hobbies contribute to climate change and I wish there were some way to minimize them. I know that we have freedom but it seems to manifest in the freedom to do dumb wasteful stuff.
We are here to exactly that, and judge the choice of potential buyers, too.
$50k gets you into every late model STI in my neck of the woods with about $10k in change to patch the holes in the trunk after you take of the spoiler.
Right? In what world is the Jetta GLI not the better buy than this aggressively unremarkable A4? A jalop is getting the SS. This dude lives in Jersey and considering his budget will need the badge recognition of the BMW.
There are no good deals anymore. Not on anything.
If the guy has $50k to spend and scoffs at MPGs, he’s doing OK.