Airplane seats should not be able to recline.
Airplane seats should not be able to recline.
Cash earned from your second job delivering pizzas.
I use Dawn and Palmolive and if either have moisturizers, they rinse off; no issues.
Here’s how I’ve been keeping my lenses like new for years: Ditch the greazy microfiber and expensive diluted alcohol spray; rinse with warm water, put a dab of plain old dish soap on each lens and gently rub, rinse with hot water and blow them dry with your mouth. No cloth ever touches them and you’ll feel any…
Throw a new tax code at them
Good job, sir!
My wife has a 14 Grand Cherokee with about $5k left on the note and 107k on the odo. It seems like a good move to sell that, pocket the difference and get a 24 month lease on a new maintenance free GC as they’re the cheapest lease in the segment with the new one coming out.
+1 on the stagnant wages. $20k car payment is $350 for 60 months, which is a considerable chunk of a middle wage earner’s net pay.
These have gotten considerably less cheap in the past year.
I am a heavily armed progressive with the same zeal for my freedom, rights and property as the all the devotees of the vulgar unread conman.
It’s against flag code to add one’s design to it. My reading of the code means that all of the red/blue/green/whatever colored stripes on a flag desecrate our flag. Rendering it monochrome is kind of a, eh, gray area. Still, it’s chilling to fly a flag in a manner meant to threaten or intimidate fellow Americans.
If people buy these to feel more butch, that’s much better than the default blacked out Ram 1500 CC.
Loathe to admit and I’m sticking with extended cabs myself, but modern crew cab trucks are plenty spacious in the rear seat.
1st-2nd generation Hyundai Tiburon. I had a two year used ‘03 SE in my 20s and loved it. It looked cool, V6/6M, leather seats; it was fun to drive and a good value compared to the competition.
Floor mat
How long before trucks get the retro treatment like pony cars did in the ‘00s? They’d probably mess it up, but a simple three box design with proportions from 20 years ago, modern comfort and capability would appeal to me.
Or they get bought used with 50k+ on the odo. Bottom line is that their reliability is an asset even if the first owner doesn’t utilize it. Regardless, RAM is the truck for someone who doesn’t need a truck.
My interpretation of the flag code says that adding anything to the US flag desecrates it. All of the color stripes on the B/W, stars & stripes pride flags, printing text on it, even if it’s the Constitution, they are all misguided attempts at showing one’s love for our country.
Sweet decal. I have a buddy on the MI corn growers association and there are virtually zero progressives; I’m sure you can relate. My herd is about 3.75 head so I don’t have much in common with actual cattlemen. I sport an alumni plate frame on my bumper, which in my rural area makes enough of a statement.