
How much more sustainable is it to grow crops, I’m guessing soybeans, in a petroleum intensive system, then go through the energy intensive industrial process to turn in into a facsimile of meat? Just raise a pig and grind up the leftover cuts. 

This blog is typical of how woke journalists shit on this book. I’ve read it and use it in my rural alternative school in the Midwest. We don’t have as strong an Appalachian influence as that in Middletown, but there are certain traits that are universal among poor whites. Bootstraps can be used as a hardy-har

It would have for sure clinched the Oscar for both if they went full Bale and gained 50 lbs to be authentic.

Odds that the 1st owner of this has a Raptor now?

KFC is great, but they don’t have dozens of flavors to toss your meat in, one of which would surely be your favorite. 

I’m probably not alone in my willingness to give it a shot. I have a thigh technique just like I have a flats technique. 

I can look past it. I don’t cringe when I think about Chevy’s beast of a RWD V8 sedan.

I hope this is real and this guy serves time then never drives again. 

Every Trump Train looks like the parking lot of a police station

I doubt the SS gives warning shots

I say past or present ownership of a jalop approved vehicle is the requirement 

Somewhat hostile? The driver used the truck as a weapon to assault the passengers of the Escape. He knew they were with the campaign. Other clips show the Escape trying to tailgate the bus, probably as a measure of self preservation. The truck driver cut them off then collided when the Escape tried to wait for an

If you wonder, like I do, who has the means to buy a Platinum F150 along with the poor taste to drive it straight to Pep Boys for some sweet rims? This is who. 

Also because men, regardless of race, would like to have sex with them. 

1840s Plymouth was a kitschy tourist destination? Sure. 

We can apply this logic in 2033 assuming governments haven’t banned this class of vehicles for consumer use and we still have affordable gasoline. 

I don’t get why the left lets right wingers monopolize the second most important right in our country. 

My fiancee’s cousin works for TB corporate as a packaging engineer. When they got the job the main task was making packaging more environmentally friendly. I joked that he should fix the pizza box so the cheese didn’t stick to the lid. I did not expect this betrayal!!!!!

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