Roided Renegade is what I saw too. The front end treatment looks like it was designed around a pair of RAM 1500 headlights, which makes sense.
Roided Renegade is what I saw too. The front end treatment looks like it was designed around a pair of RAM 1500 headlights, which makes sense.
Interesting interpretation of castle doctrine.
I won’t argue that protests were infiltrated by cops, MAGAs, white supremacists, etc. I don’t think that a significant number, if any, of places looted and torched were at the hands of infiltrators, though. Maybe you’d like these peaceful protesters to make your block their next stop.
Now find me a place that has onion rings and breakfast sandwiches on the same menu.
These two are the absolute worse human beings and I oppose their twisted, gilded rage world view in every way. But. A mob of protesters are walking through your neighborhood; part of a justifiably angry movement that has looted and torched cities across the country. At the very least they’re going to leave graffiti,…
I went as trump in 15; long poorly knotted shiny tie, ill fitting suit, squirrel dog toy wrapped around my head. #squirrelonmyhead is a thing
What is going on here?? What procedures would make her face do that? Why?
Right; the point being that not everyone who does something stupid deserves redemption. I always loved the rebuttal to the guy throwing cash all over. It was like a financial literacy lesson.
Whitmer would lock down Midwest states and if all that matters is race, take comfort that her Lt. Gov is a progressive young black guy who could parlay the promotion into a bright political future. Plus she’s got actual experience with her folksy charm (retch to acknowledge the Palin parallels, but she’s not a…
The slice of demographic that this show would appeal to seems pretty small. Anyone who came of age between 1950-2005 has a soft spot for record stores; the show tried to put a modern cast of self consciously diverse characters in that nostalgic setting when most of the target audience has likely never been in a record…
How did you get here because you are clearly not a jalop
This is why he should pick Whitmer. Leave all of the D Senators and Representatives in their offices and MI’s black lieutenant governor would move up. She would appeal to midwest voters in states he really needs to win.
If you want to be a shill for another corporation go for it. If people want to eat this for ethical reasons regarding killing animals go for it. I’m sure it’s safe and we’re free to make choices. But be honest that grass fed beef is more environmentally sound than this highly processed food. There are small…
Margins are incredibly tight raising commodity crops. My family members might break even in corn this year and might lose money on every bushel depending on the fluctuating price. But a good year every few years can make up for bad years. This is why the government subsidizes farmers. It’s a heartless industry and the…
I don’t think they got rid of potatoes; maybe only at breakfast? I had the potato fiesta burrito this morning and added bacon. It’s pretty good and only $1.50. I know it’d be cumbersome, but if they still have all the parts, one could just special order and get the old items.
If one’s goal is to reduce greenhouse gasses, grass fed beef is the best option. Grass fed beef is carbon positive and puts carbon back into the earth. All of these plant based meat substitutes use commercially grown crops that are petroleum and chemical intensive, then use more energy to process the crops into the…
50 foot setbacks at intersections would definitely bankrupt zero farmers. All roads already have a right of way, 33 feet from the centerline in MI, so this proposed extra 17 feet is negligible. You’re getting warmer with corn politics, though. It’s remarkable how much ag gets to abuse the environment in the name of…
In my experience, they’re making them less satisfying to operate and treat this hassle as innovation. Our two year old washer/drier are all electronic controls and are require more steps to use than the old mechanical knobs and buttons.
You prefer to modify your car with taste and restrain. Weirdo? No. Gentleman? Yes.