Holy hell, people. Read my post and quit telling me to read the article when you guys clearly didn’t understand what I said. But, here, I’ll help you out...
Holy hell, people. Read my post and quit telling me to read the article when you guys clearly didn’t understand what I said. But, here, I’ll help you out...
Can YOU read? Re-read my own comment.
When this woman is inevitably fired for being an idiot, I am sure the internet will embrace her as a unique individual who simply wants to express herself.
Sounds like an employee who agreed to the ToS and is bitching because she isn’t getting her way. It doesn’t matter how stupid the rules are. Rules are rules and she agreed to every single one when she took the job.
Ah, well I guess I did “get it” but didn’t find it all that hilarious (kinda like The Cake is a Lie).
So gratuitous violence, interspecies romance with people, anthropomorphism and lack of diversity are okay.
So what's your point? Even if we are all capable of smothering and then stabbing the shit out of another human being, we don't do those things. This woman did. Not in the heat of the moment or in self defense, but in fact begged Manson to let her participate in these murders. She absolutely deserves to be in prison…
I want to see them trot out this article the next time a 16 year old african american rapist tries to rape like that article about the guy whose tonge was bitten when he tried a rape. Those comments weren’t at all arguing about age (and rightly so).
So because all of us are capable of evil, does that mean that people who actually act on it shouldn’t have to face the consequences? Maybe we’re all capable of cold blooded murder, but most of us never actually carry it out. Which is why we’re not in prison.
I mean, most people know by the age of 19 that brutally murdering people is wrong. She has complete culpability for her own actions here. I could understand granting parole if she had just guarded the door while someone else did the actual killing, but she participated actively and willingly.
Funny how some people want to protect speech when it’s racist.
Because he did this as an indie project he gets no credit, every colleague I know has had hard times for longer than 5 years making games, shit one designer I knew worked on un-shipped and cancled games for 10 years before shipping auto assault and he still is in the business. This kid is just a moron and a pussy.
13% of the population committing 50% of the violent crime sounds like the problem is the opposite of what you imply.
He really can fuck off with an article title like this.
I think the title should have been, “You will NOT BELIEVE what Pewdiepie thinks are the top 4 reasons Youtube is unfair!”
I almost put in a line there about how people were probably racing to show examples of our supposed clickbaiting, but why steal the fun from you guys lol? Ultimately, print/web media’s reliance on clickbait is no mystery (though like I said, it has gotten better). YouTube’s on the other hand, is hardly ever commented…
Well now I know why they call it King’s Landing.
Play FFXV first to avoid spoilers and to engage in discussions about the game. Then, after being thoroughly disappointed, play Dragon Quest.
So it has all the same pros and cons of the first then essentially?
Searching for it...