Fist McKnuckles

Because people don’t like her. They just don’t. And there are lots of people out there who are waiting for some sort of deus-ex-machina moment in the third act where someone will come and magically give them an out. When this doesn’t happen, they will stay home or vote for a third party, even if it means Trump wins.

American citizens are smart and should be enfranchised.*

But then whatever will she complain pettily about? Whatever will Jujymonkey use to make herself feel superior?

Except he has a point. It’s not just a single word of your article. You indicate a need to intimately know the environs of Minerva’s Den in order to be successful and that’s factually untrue. You then go on to use that point to say Bioshock Infinite is a worse game for not including that aspect when the fact is that’s

Focusing on that line is more expedient than copying and pasting the 2 paragraphs of the article in which you describe the combat of Minerva’s Den; that sentence, I felt, was the thesis statement for those paragraphs. I disagree w/ the comparisons you’re making in those paragraphs and have commented as such.

“I need to know where my hacked cameras are and where to place trip-mine like trap rivots.”

I wonder if there’s a second depression for trans people that comes with realizing altered genitalia doesn’t fix everything. I watched my cousin go off the deep end after her surgery and I always suspected that was the catalyst. Although maybe an unstable man doesn’t just transition to a stable woman.

No, you would be wrong. I don’t give a fuck what your cherry-picked links say. People require food, water, and the very most basic health care (setting a broken bone, for instance). Seeing a shrink and/or having your dick cut off are not medically necessary, and if you commit suicide because you don’t get either, it’s

Was she going to die without this surgery? No. Then she doesn’t need it. She can transition on her own dime when she gets out.

She clearly didn’t give a flying fuck about serving in the military now did she?

I’ll check some negative reviews when I’m already on the fence about a purchase, that’s about it.

Where do you get off calling it “tin foil” at this point? A few days ago, people who were questioning her health were called conspiracy theorists, and today, she had what sure as fuck would have been described as a major health incident had it been McCain in 2008. In other words, people who said something is going on

They knew she had Pneumonia since Friday, but put out that she was “Overheated.” They are willing to be misleading about Hillary’s health.

Ehh Sony is getting arrogant again. Not a fan of the recent behavior with no mods, cross platform, or early access. Come Scorpio, it may be time to pick up an xbone.

PC is just less convenient to use, period. That’s why PC gaming is mainly for hobbyists and enthusiasts.
and before ya’ll come with all the comments about Steam and better controller support and yadda yadda yadda, just know that I am a living room PC gamer as well as a console owner, so I’ve heard it all already.

Might have been over a girl...

How do you call yourself a writer? This is more of an ad than an article. Thanks for the reminder of why I gave up on Kotaku.

That’s like trying to explain fiction; there’s no point because it’s not real.

First off, The 360 came out on ‘05 and the X1 came out 8 years later, which very simple math shows is longer than the 7 years for the Famicom.

Based entirely on education by internet forum comments, I have been led to believe that smoking weed has never contributed to a single vehicular accident. Ever.