I still identify as pretty staunchly liberal, I just don’t play this toeing the party line because my friends are doing it game.
I still identify as pretty staunchly liberal, I just don’t play this toeing the party line because my friends are doing it game.
As a non-white guy, I don’t get what the big deal is here.
EVERY character gets the “what if it were a girl?” treatment? No, I don’t think that’s necessarily a good thing. Diversity is a good thing. Looking at every character and seeing if they should be female seems complete crazy to me. It’s rare that the gender matters at all in games (I mean storywise, not…
This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.
14 million. The number of people duped into buying Battlefront, myself included.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? No Lost Odyssey? Either that game is getting hella appreciated in invisible ink, or there’s a glaring omission here.
Thanks to Final Fantasy tanking harder than a SEC football player taking a Physics exam during the previous gen, Lost Odyssey was probably *the* best or second-best JRPG of the…
HBO already lost. Frikidoctor won his appeal with Youtube. I assume that they won’t be quick on the gun with the next video again.
I left it open for all of you to share your favorite Sony memory! Like remember that time we had a firmware update to the PS4? That was AWESOME.
Honestly, you should get points if you even manage to make it to the halfway point of this turd of an article. Yes, lets make a guy lose all 50 states so we can prove our party is still pure. Forget that when the primaries are done, 11 Million people will have voted for the guy. I feel like 20 years from now, Trump’s…
But the projections for this round of VR are in the billions. And the investors in this round of VR aren’t looking for future iterations of the technology. They’re expecting money to be made soon. I think they’re going to be disappointed.
QUOTE | “Gamers are bored. We haven’t had anything really new and exciting happen in gaming in, like, five years. Gamers are ready for something new. They’re hungry for it and they’re ready to spend on something new.” - Schell Games CEO Jesse Schell, on why he’s optimistic for VR.
When you’re hard at making licensed tie-in games it’s easy to assume they’re just in it for an easy paycheck. Releasing something two years later when they didn’t have to shows some dedication that belies cashing in.
This article is a perfect summation for my deep feelings of unease about this election. Try as I might I can’t get comfortable. I’ve set my course and I’ll make my peace with it, but at best, it will be an uneasy peace.
People love to take a dump on the US by putting full blame where it doesn’t belong. The majority of blame lies in an evil ultra-conservative Iranian gov’t that continues to this day...yeah, Ayatollah Khomeini was our fault. Sure. They can go move to Iran and enjoy themselves.
It’s looking a lot better, but I’m not as excited as I should be since I was previously burned by FF13. I’m still hyped for Persona 5 and Ni No Kuni 2 though. Also, the new Star Ocean looks good too.
Love all the armchair reactions to her firing as if they know everything that happened. Nintendo doesn’t owe anyone an explanation for shit.
I’m not trying to be snarky but can you honestly justify a $600 head set and $1000+ rig to run VR decently but you can’t consider getting a pair of contacts?
AAA publishers are avoiding it like the plague. VR will never be mainstream.
Crunch is real life.