A PS4 is 100% worth it at this point — not just for this game but for MGSV, Witcher 3, Bloodborne, etc etc
This is EXACTLY how I feel. Glad to see I am not the only one.
You can’t worry about endgame completion terms until you’re through the entire story, just keep at those until the new things are unlocked. I feel the same way when I read about MOBAs on here, 90% of it is totally foreign.
Occasionally you get Legendary engrams that cannot be turned into the Cryptarch but actually need to go to the Gunsmith. If you got a random Legendary drop and the Gunsmith icon turns purple the next time you’re at the tower, you have one...you can also see it on the bottom bar of your Inventory page. I don’t know if…
Facebook doesn’t actually have that much money though. Their revenue is minimal, their p/e is ludicrously low. They could probably borrow money to sell at a loss, but it’s hard to see why that would be a good decision long term.
Are we SURE anything on Kickstarter has ever actually been finished? Ever?
It sounds interesting but to be honest I’m starting to grow a little tired of these horror games where you can’t fight back.
One new spell, no moogles, an entirely male cast, no Chocobo breeding even though an open world game would be perfect for it, a fashion designer (ugh), and such a ridiculous excuse on a lack of dual language audio? It’s like they’re trying to provide reasons not to buy the game.
I’m not a Republican, but I think it’s absolutely sad that you can call these people (who you’ve never met or spoken to and don’t know anything about their personal lives) such harsh names because you disagree with some of their positions. It’s public shaming 101.
While I respect your opinion, even the situations you describe, have/have not, having your investment disappear, etc have 0 inherent power over a person other than the power that the person themselves assign to that situation. Whales exist b/c they have made the choice, consciously or otherwise, to acquiesce. The…
It’s like you and I had pretty much the same experience with Destiny. There was no story or character development for me to latch onto. And rather than saving the galaxy as Master Chief or Commander Shepard, I was Titan Guardian #534689 — just a tiny cog in a massive machine. It was certainly a competent shooter, but…
mixed signals! (I know you can have your own opinions on topics)
I see~ what you did there, Mike. Can’t resist that ribbing at Nintendo’s PR?
I know the narrative that the internet would like to form out of this: A brilliant artist gets pissed on by greedy executives. But in reality it sounds like he was throwing a bit of a childish tantrum over something that doesn’t really matter. It’s just a trailer and his music was still going to be in the game, and he…
I think it might be your fault if you came to Kotaku expecting quality reporting and less smarmy jerkyness.
Weeks like this are why the gaming industry is a good distance away from being considered a professional industry. Too many people with less business sense than a freshman business major at a state school.
Then release them from their chains and shackles! My God! Tell Senator McCain. He’ll want to bomb every sports franchise in ‘Murica and make all cheerleaders NATO allies.
I didn’t like any of this. As someone who has been cheated on multiple times, this made me queasy. I didn't like his answers or candor about it. No I will not "find myself in this situation someday", if I am with someone and want to be with someone else, I'll end my current relationship first cuz I'm not a fuckhead.
We know how this ends: