Fist McKnuckles

well maybe i was wearing a red cape as i played, did you ever think of that?

Maybe I am just a simplistic person but I enjoyed both the game play and the story of Bioshock. I didnt need fancy words or explanations to get through it, I just enjoyed the game as it was presented without trying to dissect it.

Nope, it strikes me as honest. It also makes sense from a business perspective.

Why the fuck is this on Kotaku?

I heard Al Gore was working on something like that but.. I don’t think in this economy we can spare the any tubes for such a massive tube system. Tubes are strictly for military use for the mean time but maybe later on they can be used for civilian purposes like how telephones or sarcasm used to be something that the

I’m sorry but Roach can go die and rot in a ditch. He’s the shittiest horse I’ve ever had in a game of alltime. He fucks up horse races, randomly stops for no reason, regularly decides to stop following the path, goes into a dead stop after touching anything at all, and frequently randomly decides to get in my way

Nah, I'm good.

Ehh, I went to a rural Ohio high school that only offered a few AP tests and zero SAT II (which were not even called that back then) tests. We regularly sent people to Harvard and Yale. Also, "4.2" was not a possible GPA to achieve. I'm younger than you.

"The GDC I saw through the lens I made for myself and blame others for"

if you like JRPGs then you owe it to yourself to play this one..........

Artist Marek Okon recently had an idea: what if instead of trying to shoot the Aliens, we could control them instead? It's a premise that's actually been explored in the universe's fiction before, but that certainly didn't look as cool as this concept does.

At this point Zoe Quinn is probably more of a games industry commentator than a developer.

Pay money for this? For a PowerPoint style game designed to "teach" people how rape is traumatic? Released on Steam? As a one-time-through, not-very-interactive experience designed to shock and angst you into being upset about something we already fully know about and are working to fix on a grand scale? Next thing

If you can't do something right, don't bother doing it at all. The fact is, there are good video games out there. There are features one game does poorly but another does well. That means you don't get to whine that it's hard. It's obviously doable. So do it. Or quit.