Fist McKnuckles

If my penis got in the same room with her, I imagine my entire genetic code would force itself to reject her kind too.

If I follow what you’re saying, you’re feeling the gut reaction to being called shitty when you haven’t done anything. Inaction is not wrong, no matter what the far left would have you think.

Yeah the E3 trailer told me Arkane has some serious Alex Garland fans. Which is fine I guess. Except Prey and what we first saw of Prey 2 were...not that. Now it feels like we're circling the drain of mediocrity. I'll hold judgment until it gets close to release but why bother slapping Prey on it if it's going to be

Glad this gets priority over PS4 mods.

He’s right in a lot of ways. I’m tired of seeing how offended everyone is getting about everything. It’s ridiculous. He’s not saying bring back lynch mobs and internment camps. He’s pointing out that things like border security are not racist. And he’s right.

Classic case of poor management from the sounds of it. Too much money moving through the hands of people that don't have the ability to use it effectively.

This was a rare Early Access title that I put in my wishlist. I’m not quite sold on breaking my “don’t pay for unfinished games” rule but I’ll be there when it launches.

Once in a while I get something right.

This finally broke Sony down to gaming. Sony as a whole went through about a decade of mostly reporting losses as they shed dead weight. Things like gaming division were (mostly) always profitable and kept investors around while Sony restructured.

Alright, you can fuck right off you condescending prick. Nice discussion.

You completely missed my original point. I never said Hamilton was a way to win Latino voters. I don’t even know how that would be a thing. And she didn’t quote the man, she quoted the musical. But if you want to think that has nothing to do with its popularity, feel free.

Touchy touchy. I don't have to see the stupid thing to know it's popular. Go have some tea or something and calm the fuck down.

I actually have only the most basic knowledge of Hamilton. It’s about Alexander Hamilton but uses like Beyonce or something? My interest began and ended at musical.

Nice speech but it’s just a speech. I rememberlotsof big promises from, well, everybody that has been president. We still have Gitmo, poverty is alive and well, whatever the hell the shining city on the hill was isn’t whatwe’reliving today.

You are really bad at this. I imagine you're trying to upset me but your inability to make a point makes that impossible. Or you're trying to wear the smug superiority hat, which doesn't work either because you have yet to make a point or, again, a coherent sentence. But by all means keep trying.

She was right at first. Voting for a woman because she is a woman is sexist. Period. She lost me on the rest of it but I've spent entirely too long hearing how men hiring men is sexist to understand how the exact same thing isn't so long as it's not men. Anyone care to explain?

Well try writing a coherent sentence then.

The position that the people that pay you get to tell you how to dress when you’re in the building they pay for using the equipment they pay for? How horrible of me.

Doubt the dress code says “Don’t wear ‘My Boss Is A Fucking Asshole’ shirts” either but I bet anything it’d get you fired.

What the hell? I hit the star wanting to give a million recommendations but the number only went up by one.