Fist McKnuckles

I have never understood why this was popular. It's just kind of stupid, not really funny or anything. Guess I don't sit with the cool kids at lunch anymore or whatever.

This feels like real leaps and bounds forward for progressive women. VP hotness. Way to fit a stereotype over 6 decades old.

Wasteful. Put whatever the rarest thing is (I have no clue how Pokemon works, sue me) on the moon. That way we won’t need NASA or SpaceX to get there. Boom, problem solved.

Slow day or something?

So. Ok I don’t know how to say it so I’m just going to say it.

Isn't the entire point of equality to stop pointing out it has an all female team? Yet every mention here puts it front and center.

Racist stereotype upset by racist comments...hmm.

I don’t see much originality here. Pixels? Nah. Even they describe it as (fill name here) simulator? Christ no.

I kinda checked out at “retro” honestly. I find myself barely looking at most games on Steam anymore. I hover and look for a few words. Retro. Frenetic. Sandbox. Roguelite. Keep moving along if I see them.

I finally found common ground with her. Scary. Screw man buns.

As interesting as these games have looked, I’m really glad I haven’t given them any money. If you can’t support consoles better than that, don’t release console versions. Same applies in reverse (looking at you, Rocksteady and Batman).

Oh for fuck’s sake...

You work for Gawker. You are not press, you’re a blogger.

Yeah well maybe all those victims should have said something to a cop at some point over the last generation then. He’s a piece of shit and they all have victims on their hands too. Pretty hard to stop a guy when nobody bothers to talk.

What's the point? You're just going to blast every possible thing you can so why waste the money going there and getting drunk? Could easily do that at home.

I think I once said I was hungry enough to eat a horse. Hope nobody calls PETA and slaps me with animal cruelty.

Is Kotaku ever going to report on anything else again? I'm sick of hearing about this non-game constantly.

Is this really worth writing about? Goddamn.

So...she tried to sell it. Pretty sure she should have gone to the police, not papers. Exposure is fine and well but I think most of us like punishment to go along with it.

Being incapable of comprehending that someone might have a different solution than yours doesn’t make you right. There is something to be drawn from places like Chicago and DC that have harsh gun control laws and extremely high gun violence.