Fist McKnuckles

BLM protests police over the mistreatment of black people, but when shots were fired they turned to those same police for protection. They block streets and cost themselves money by forcing cops to get out there to make sure they’re ok. Yet they don’t join the police force to fix all this supposed racism.

“Hey pal, you’re gonna have to wait.”

So this is a gun problem? But when it's a black civilian shot it's a race problem? Bit of a mixed message there.

So regret after it is done completely consensually is suddenly rape? Huge crock of bullshit. Nothing about a guy’s rep. It’s about not fucking his life up when he was never told no to begin with. When the entire encounter was consensual until after he is no longer even involved.

No matter what it’s rape. No matter how stupid a woman acts, no matter if she wants it until 5 minutes after he’s left, it will be 100% his responsibility. Women should be free to behave as irresponsibly as they like. It will never in any way be their fault even 1%.

And all these women should be charged too. Because keeping their mouths shut, some formore than FORTY FUCKING YEARS, allowed other women to get the same or worse.

Exactly. By pushing this narrative a bunch of people like me, a left leaning moderate for the most part, are feeling isolated by a fringe gone mainstream. This far left crap is becoming the same beast as the Tea Party and I feel like there is nowhere to turn. I want to support something positive but pressuring me to

It’s (in bold no less) inexcusable and unjustifiable for black men to get shot but no comment decrying the cops that were killed? That says a lot.

And Iron Man is about to be a black woman. One of these stories is praised, the other is treated like Satan raping a puppy.

Name a time I oppressed them. Just one. Yeah, that's what I thought

Most humans have both fists and knuckles. Nothing violent about that. #stoplookingforreasonstobemad

For people that get up in arms about shaming and treating people fairly, you Jezebel types sure love to go after white males as often as you can. Because having no choice in the matter only counts for PoC and women apparently.

Fall of the Berlin Wall. I swear I can recall Challenger but that makes no sense, I was 3. So I'll write that off as implanted by media. I distinctly remember watching the wall come down though.

Been picking away at this since release, slowly but surely. I didn’t “get” it until after the tutorial when you finally get a chance to figure out just what the hell everyone is talking about.

It wasn’t that SS was a bad PM game, it’s that it was a bad game period. Seeing all these ideas carry over while bluntly refusing to bring back the things people loved is what bugs me.

Because of course a write up on Kotaku has to include finger wagging at the boogeyman of white guys scared of women. Christ.

Sony said PS+ wasn’t going to be required for MP games. Microsoft said the 360 had a 10 year life cycle.

1) That is a ridiculous stat, don’t resort to hyperbole.

When have I said I had a problem with it? Not once.

We’re really gonna do this? Fine have it your way. A protagonist is a lead character or primary participant in a work or event. Does not mean the character you play as nor does it mean you can just choose to ignore them because you think they’re token (which says a fuckload more about your racism than mine).