Please tell me this is a different thing than his new game.
Please tell me this is a different thing than his new game.
Fuck you. I’m done with this. Call me whatever you want.
Talking about if her firing was justified or not is a topic. Talking about any of the other issues is another topic. Tangling them together forms a bias based not on her obligations (by signed contract) to a family friendly company but on what a person believes is fair, which is HEAVILY decided by your own views about…
That's fair. I'm mature enough to admit I may have been reading with a bias already in mind. I try not to but it happens.
Inever said I would make a bomb threat, stop being an ass and pushing that on me like it’s a quote. And you say North Korea doesn’t have the capacity to make an attack but for that to be a false equivalency on my part that means every tweet about a bomb is from someone that does. Because not one single time has it…
I haven’t played the update yet but I wonder if the mission there covers any ground that the expansion will...well, expand upon.
Says the person that brought it up.
Fair enough.
Sounds pretty fucking juvenile to me. How many attacks were made on Anita Sarkeesian or Zoe Quinn? None?
I don’t take issue with the convention. It’s the portrayal. That this is a grand gesture leading to change (could be, could flop) but get more men than women speaking at a Sony event and it’s repression this, sexism that as if it’s not just as bad to make sure there are “better” distribution just to appease the media…
My beef isn’t with the convention or organizers, though I try not to judge other cultures. I just find it pretty bull that Kotaku would run this in this light but rip into a completely inane event just because 4 men and 3 women speak. Even if it’s 10 men and 1 woman that isn’t automatic repression and sexism but they…
1) Why did you hyphenate retard?
She probably thinks it's better than trying to get a rise out of strangers on the internet, yeah.
I feed on the misdirected rage of people that believe blogging and tweets can change the world.
No, more like “hey why are we getting bashed for including women and something aimed at ONLY women is a glorious triumph?”
According to every single post on Kotaku about gaming conventions, everywhere imposes many restrictions. It's hypocrisy and downright offensive to be held in the same light by these bloggers. That was my point.
How is it that a women’s gaming convention gets this huge positive coverage yet any convention here run for everyone (ya know, inclusive) gets ripped the fuck apart if they dare have more men than women present or have the audacity to not thrust minorities front and center?
I saw it and immediately shrugged. The market is flooded right now and for people like me that don’t want to grind away dozens of hours, it really isn’t offering much that I can tell. Plus this is Gearbox (that’s this one, right?) which means a good chunk of the humor is going to just annoy the ever loving piss out of…
I was worried when I woke up and didn’t see a snide blog about Trump. Thanks for writing all those words to say, “I don’t like him.” Always very informative.
There is a barebones story that you’ll get slightly more out of if you play in order. And of course there are things changed over time (healing flasks appeared in 2 to cut a LOT of grind for healing items in 1 for example).