Fist McKnuckles

If you want a new product to take off it helps if people can get it. My waning interest from seeing all the glorified tech demos gets another nosedive knowing by the time I could actually get one of these we’ll be much better informed about PSVR.

If we can’t think this is the most awesome goddamned example of being freedom loving teenagers ever then the terrorists have won.

Quantum Break has been better than I thought too despite how fug it is on Xbox One. So more of that.

That is still saying we caused it. We didn’t put this bunch in power. Period. It was a revolution we weren’t fans of. That revolution being a reaction to our scumbaggery? Sure. But by that same token since we reacted to Pearl Harbor is it Japan that deserves the credit for our economic prosperity since? Of course not.

That is incredibly naive and far too simplistic for a solid analysis of the real world. There is no true good or bad. There is win or lose, profit or lose money. It’s not nice and I’m not saying it is ideal. But it IS. If you want to talk in moral terms, no country has ever been good. Not a single one. So doesn’t that

Oh please. You can’t choose a lesser of two evils (at the time, from that perspective) then get mad that it’s evil. How could the U.S. possibly come out of that situation? Prop up a hated government or bow out to a less hated but still brutal and shitty one? Gee hmm we get blamed either way so screw it, go with the

Or I have studied the entire history of the area and don’t see how the intervention of the U.S. is more influential than the active daily voice of the millions living there.

Thanks for the insightful contribution to the discussion! I proved that when I tried to make sense to commenters on Kotaku.

I take full responsibility for walking right into that one.

Nah. Just nah. The people of Iran let it happen, it’s on them. We have no responsibility to make sure every reaction is a good one. If it’s so bad the people need to change it.

Bull to the shit. Iran wouldn’t be in the current state without Muhammad either but you don’t seem to be calling for an end to that.

Ah yes, because of the one guy we plopped in we are the sole cause of every terrible act since.

It takes different strokes, it takes different strokes...

Haven’t seen it yet but the draw to me is how much people hate it for not being a MCU film. I have grown to hate them after the 3 dozen or so released in the last few years. There’s no surprise or tension or anything interesting whatsoever. It’s laugh a bit, watch some fighting, laugh a bit, go home. I was tired of it

It’s not a very successful or healthy mindset to see when indie devs repeatedly lap up success because they are brilliant artists and lament failure as something others had control of.

Hmm. Probably when I got food poisoning about 12 years ago. Was still living with my father, he got it too. We were both so sick that for 2 days I would roll over, vomit on the side of the bed, roll back over and sleep. Didn’t even have the mental capacity to call for help. My father overfilled a small trash can doing

Still convinced it's a terrible generation. And I'm part of it. I don't have a link or anything but hey, this is Gawker. I thought it was common practice to just make shit up to suit our view.

Well shit. Here I was hoping someone would break away from the MMO mold of numbers being the absolute only thing that mattered. Now we're getting another spreadsheet simulator.

Anyone else think Sakaguchi being there is the first glimmer of hope this series gets back on track? If he was on XVI or SE funds Mistwalker's next game I will be giddy. Giddy I say!

You missed my point by a mile. I don’t care that she got fired. I don’t care what her story is. My point was that everyone has shit in their past. To business it is irrelevant if that’s a speeding ticket or if you created AIDS. What matters is the exposure it causes the company. If you stole a pack of gum and that