Nintendo protected Nintendo. Why court controversy over a single employee? Congrats, you just learned that everyone is expendable. Welcome to the real world.
Nintendo protected Nintendo. Why court controversy over a single employee? Congrats, you just learned that everyone is expendable. Welcome to the real world.
There is a really smart rule that smart people follow. If you plan to work above the level of disposable minimum wage worker, keep your trap shut about anything even remotely controversial. Yeah yeah, gotta be progressive blah blah free speech. Corporate doesn’t give a shit nor should they. You need to be bland in…
I can't even understand that first paragraph. So since I gave up, yay. Or boo. Whatever is appropriate to whatever this is about.
A company, ANY company, exists for a single purpose: to make as much profit as possible. There are no good guys because morals don’t factor in. To become as profitable as possible businesses engage in an exchange with customers.
The inevitable result of art meeting money. Artists aren’t known as businessmen and too many times they hone in on making what they want then get mad when it doesn’t make them money.
Muslims aren’t really being stereotyped. That would mean that the perspective shown in some way oversimplifies or doesn’t present a well rounded and fair view.
So like accountants and tax prep from late February through April? Or like any business that sells to school districts around the beginning and end of the school year (I know that one personally).
Biggest question is why you give a shit.
People on theinternet make shit up. Moreso than pretty much any other medium, including fiction writers. You can pretty much quadruple the odds of any quote being made up or attributed to the wrong person when it’s a smug white person. Double it again if they’re still wearing thick hipster glasses. Triple it again if…
I hope this is real. Because I absolutely hate it and it would guarantee I wouldn't get an NX. Touch screens are garbage for core games. And after feeling burned on the Wii and Wii U I want as many excuses as I can get to ignore their next system.
There is no agreed upon starting date. It ranges from 1981 to about 1985. That makes 31-34 year olds, I’ve never seen anything cut it earlier than ‘81. And regardless, that is either a fifth of 30 somethings or maybe about half. It’s all teens and 20s.
It goes beyond that and straight into content too. Just because millennials are able to throw money at things they have remained the dominant target audience. And yet the highest grossing rated R movie was Deadpool, a film that aimed it’s juvenile humor at 30 somethings that understood references that sailed right…
I won't call it a good deal until I see how the game support is. At $50 it'd be a rotten deal if all we get is tech demos, which is pretty much all I've seen.
It’s actually a simple economics question. They employ less staff and see high returns by running Steam, with significantly less risk. Valve the game developer is indistinguishable from Valve the Steam owner. If they release a bomb, the reputation hit hurts Steam.
I think I do anyway. It’s poking fun first at the idea that an internal blogger will just push everything out there, sort of a commentary on media and marketing. I don’t find that one all that clever, kinda falls flat.
That is actually really clever. More than I'd expect from a gaming blog done internally for a game pretty much guaranteed to sell huge.
I would love to see people like Sterling brought down a peg and for the leeching industry of making money by shitting on others stopped. Too bad I don't see much of a case here though. I don't care how popular it is, these people go way past criticism straight into bullying and harassment. And get paid for it. It's…
I mean I guess it’s good to have figured this out but I still get irked at how often you get shouted down when you point this out. I saw it when this whole push first started. A generation of predominantly white kids trying to change the world in ways that don’t really change anything. But when I would suggest…
I still find it mind boggling that people not only genuinely wanted this man as president, but still do. My senile grandfather rambled more sensical things on his deathbed.
Well for gamers is there much reason to jump in before October? I haven't seen a single game to get excited about for VR. And they're pretty much all playable without VR so waiting isn't as big of a deal. I may be wrong, but is there a killer app for any of them yet?