Fist McKnuckles

Those are better specs than I expected. Still more than I want to spend but I may warm up if more games are confirmed for it. Sounds a lot better than spending 3 times as much to get my PC up to snuff and get a Rift or Vive. Plus this is guaranteed to have a gaming focus. One of my concerns with the others is that it

It’s not legal everywhere though and the NFL has taken a clear stance on marijuana use. Just because you think it’s ok doesn’t change that. What if he was an excessive drinker or heroin user? Is it ok for me to tell my employer to leave me alone because I don’t want to take a drug test?

It sucks but I bet it gets sorted out. For as much flak as they get, Customs here is very nice and willing to work with you overall.

My experience with DZ:

Wait, SO2 got a Vita port?

You have had enough replies from me. You still don’tunderstand even the most basic points I’m making. So I'm done.

Free speech is in no way some magical excuse to spew vitriol. It’s a legal protection that allows people to say things that aren’t liked. Free speech protects speech you don’t want to hear, and a huge portion of protected speech is criticism.

Who said anything about harassment? But if you admit you make money off your tits, you should expect some pissy and snide comments about it. If you assume any negative comment is harassment, you take the internet too personally and free speech not personally enough.

She admits to using her body for money. Pretty much deserves any comment that comes along. It's not like she just realized this was the case, it was deliberate.

EQ has always been my favorite MMO setting. Nothing ever quite felt like it and I hope to see it brought forward again one day.

How fucking noble of her. Why is an announcement even needed except to garner attention? Put a real shirt on and go about your business.

I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect things like 16:9 support for games 15 years old. Widescreen was barely a thing, most of us were still on CRTs. At some point it becomes cost prohibitive to support certain things. I love my old Sierra adventure games more than anything but I have never even considered modern

It somehow makes it worse knowing he can see how terrible he is at management deep down inside.

Nope. My click revenue doesn’t go to them, it goes to Gawker. I just hate the hypocrisy of bloggers pretending they don’t like them only to keep writing about them.

I love how much media and blogging complains passive aggressively about these vapid wastes of shit and dirt yet writing about them just fuels the fame and fortune.

Maybe focusing on games people want to play should have been the goal way back when Fable Legends was cooked up. Because F2P “nothing like the main series except art style” was about as wanted as “crappy Kinect tie in” and “half assed hack n slash arcade game” like the last 2.

I’ll take stories like this a lot more seriously when it is pointed out that both sides want things their way, both sides are full of unreasonable asshats, and the distinction isn’t about threats or doxxing (since both sides do it) but where your own views lie.

Seeing waaaaay too much SS influence here. I hate to judge early but SS broke my heart.

Well Full House was such mindless shlock I don’t understand why expectations would be any higher. Even as a kid I couldn’t stand it. Last thing I need is to see it brought back in a time of hypersensitivity about every little thing.

Hey. Hey! Who told you it was your turn to speak? White men like me made America. We literally took dirt from God’s hands and shaped this place. We know all there is to know and you are just too ignorant to see that we do. So please get back to (insert housekeeping joke that isn’t funny here) until you are called