Fist McKnuckles

Came here to say almost exactly this. There is no inappropriate way to tell someone “If you don’t like it, change it.” except I guess with racial slurs or something.

Old doesn’t always mean irrelevant. OoT is older and people flipped out over that port.

I was barely interested to begin with. I’m done. Absolute deal breaker for me. I live far enough out that I don’t have options. My cap doesn’t leave me any spare room for this foolishness.

He’s a victim, she’s a victim, everybody’s a victim and nobody can be blamed for anything. Fuck personal responsibility, this is 2016!

I’m a white guy and get shit when I talk about equality for another group because I “don’t understand” so I think Chris Rock was avoiding that. Is there a diversity problem across the board? Sure. But you can’t dismiss his 25 year career in Hollywood when he speaks from the black perspective.

Because there are literally 3 other Gawker sites pretty much devoted to blogging all about your feelings and progressive identity. I prefer Kotaku stay at least mildly gaming related rather than turn into another big hugfest.

My original question wasn’t a joke. Evan has brought up his blackness in damn near every post lately. It defines him apparently in a way that every single intelligent civil rights proponent, humanist, and egalitarian says is exactly the problem. It’s gonna be pretty hard to not see color if someone introduces

When you get a second brain cell to rub on that poor first one, look up the meaning of “joke” would ya, dear? Maybe stop taking the internet so seriously before you blow a gasket.

I think horror has suffered for not including cell phones. When they do they block them or kill the batteries or (worst case) put a damn ghost into the interwebnets ooooohhhh.

Ok, sugar tits. All in good fun, right?

Yes, dirt. Totally dirt. NOT feces. Dirt. Ahem.

You ok, Evan? You didn’t mention your ethnicity at all. Just want to be sure you’re feeling alright.

How the fuck is it not hypocritical to post this? If any man said that about a woman there would be rage seeping from Jezebel and its readers for days. Way to feed the stereotype.

When an authority figure like a professor attacks a student that is not posing a physical threat to anyone, fuck due process. She should have been tossed out so fast she went back in time and saw herself asking for muscle as backup.

Weird. So RE4 is getting another rerelease? But I just got the version that runs on my bottle of aspirin. I mean the release for ceiling fans was cool but we all know that the hot dog bun version is best.

Hmm. Survival mode is cool and all but where’s the Make The Game Interesting mode? Or maybe Soul mode where it doesn’t feel phoned in?

Everyone beat me to it but yeah kinda. Except it only drains when you heal. If you mismanage your character it can really become an issue but most of the time you find food often enough not to be excessively concerned.

This is an Early Access and Kickstarter title done right. I got in just after it hit Steam and found an unplayable mess that shuttered down to single digit fps. It had graphical effects that couldn’t decide if they wanted to work or not. Combat was insanely unbalanced.

As both systems trudge along it’s fascinating to see how passive people get about it. Outages are becoming more common and nobody bats an eye.

Can we keep your politics the fuck away from gaming please? I don’t support Trump but I game to get away from this shit.