Fist McKnuckles

Nah. SCOTUS really does everything it can historically to value privacy, even in the face of national security at times. All without defining exactly what privacy means. Sure there are times that hasn’t been so, but this one ruling would compel a corporation to invade privacy. Never gonna fly. That’s before you even

Funny thing is I enjoy this about as much as both Two Worlds titles. Mediocre with voice acting that comes off funnier than intended (see also: Risen 1-3). If they marketed it at all it should have been as the mid tier game it is. The part that is terrible is the bland story that doesn’t grab at all and just kind of

You nailed the highlights but I could write a book about all the wrong going on here. Makes every crazy ex I have look like June Cleaver. And I thought I’d been through hell.

Oh come on, you gotta remember Fist McKnuckles. That took at least 45 seconds to come up with.

Fair enough. I apologize for taking it as far as I did. Tone can be difficult to judge on the internet.

Does it hurt your experience to let people swim easily? Because you started the whole thing with your snarky comment. I was just suggesting that your memory isn’t the design, it’s more technical changes.

It was a lot easier in early 3D because you could see a lot more. That’s a mix of lighting, perspective, camera tricks, etc. Mostly lighting. There isn’t a lot to level design that makes an underwater section today different than say 2000.

Classy people or not, I can’t justify that investment for this type of game. I got burned on The Witness, which is apparently more of a game (which is really sad to me) and I simply can’t risk another $20 on something I could hate easily.

And here I thought the biggest challenge was finding a reason to turn the game on again after that terrible first experience. I guess I’m glad people are enjoying it but I’m out $40 and a boring as hell hour and a half of wandering around drawing lines and listening to super pretentious audio recordings. I love

Don’t worry John, there are only about 8 journalists left and none of them cover tech.

Pssh, amateurs. Remember when Target predicted a teen girl’s pregnancy? Now that was something special.

Choosing to date specific races is not racism. You aren’t entitled to anyone’s love and it’s not a sign of hatred to choose to give it to someone else. I don’t love you but that isn’t because I’m racist. I have a white wife which also doesn’t make me racist.

Bitter much? Christ what did the guy do to you?

Damn. First Unravel isn’t a good platformer and now this isn’t a game. Great start to my week.

A platformer that multiple reviews say isn’t very good as a platformer that has a story to tell.

You’re being a real jerk for no reason. Kickstarter is not investing, you are not getting a return. You are paying someone for a pitch. If that pitch turns into anything or not, your money is gone.

The freedom Twitter offers and all that access will eventually melt away. Advertisers don’t want a platform with live images of war or beheadings. It’s already shoved under the carpet. We hear about Kardashians all the time but rooting out the dark side of life is much more difficult.

Stick around a few years and housing will flop again. Capitalism!

Already happening. Not to that company specifically but the entire tech sector is starting to pinch. When Bezos can lose $6 billion in just a few months in his own company, people need to pause and consider.

With stuff to do I should have added. GTAO is boring. But thanks for the 15 year flashback to when newb was a thing.