Fist McKnuckles

I’ve funded 4 projects ever, all games, and I have only 2 types I’ll consider. Dream projects and trusted sources putting out what they know.

So wait, if this gen is doing better than last gen, why have I been told for years that mobile has made consoles obsolete, Kotaku?

The game with like 5 maps and not even 1998 level of online features? Gee what an accomplishment.

I don’t think I ever even heard about this one. Then again I kind of stopped caring about the Wii U about a year and a half ago when it became clear Nintendo wasn’t going to do anything interesting with it.

Glad it has something apparently interesting to say but I need game in my games. Sounds like a pass for me.

There are more than enough games as of August 2015 not focused on violence. I still like my escapism and blowing away thugs. The argument made sense in 2003. I don’t want to go pray in the cathedral, paint in Jackson Square, and take a sightseeing carriage ride calmly for 2 hours. Yes, it needs more to do but

Because Joe Q Gamer isn’t buying a system for exclusives. Call of Duty, GTA, even Assassin’s Creed are the games keeping things moving. Add in that at this point everyone will go where their friends are plus sheer momentum and the simple but powerful marketing...

No thanks. I understand soccer just fine, have since I was a kid. But this rings as true as Madden or Fifa winning new fans to their sports, which doesn’t seem to happen. Was there a spike when NFL Blitz came out? Doubtful.

I last beat 5 around...1995 when I was 13. I admit my memory might be a bit rusted.

Quest for Glory did it in part one. I knew the cape didn’t look odd but I couldn’t figure out why. Now if only Graham retained some manly charm and didn’t look like Larry Laffer’s cousin from San Jose...

When did you don a red cape before? KQ never had capes.

This is a whole new level of idiotic. I am completely at a loss for words. Jesus Christ.

This is a bit petty. Was The Witcher 3 flawed as a game on release? No, not really. Movement wasn’t clunky and broken (no more than any open game) it was just not ideal, and still isn’t really. The inventory has been a problem in both past games and sure enough it was again.

This. You have to be massively invested in a game’s world to be offended when Bioshock kicked it in the teeth. I never dove deep enough to ponder my actions as a gamer versus motivations as the character. I loved the setting, the twist, the MacGuffin that made the twist work, the was just a great game.

This is the best piece of writing I’ve seen in a while. And an argument I’ve made since I was a kid.

Kotaku: We Just Aren’t Gonna Be Fucked To Write Anything At All Anymore.

You sound bitter as fuck. Jesus, go have a warm bath or something and calm down. Heaven forbid a man ever feel like he is anything but graced by having a penis because women have it sooooo much harder.

Pretty much every quote disgusts me this week. From Schafer, who seems to still not understand why publishers want nothing to do with him, to Square saying what others said in like ‘99 and still being wrong...oh and of course Pitchford thinking his games are above ridicule.

Every couple of hours when a new FNaF game gets announced I’m really glad I haven’t played them. 4 in a year? And people complain about CoD and Assassin’s Creed...

What a terrible fucking post. That was the most one-sided piece of emotionally charged shit I’ve read in probably 2 years. You don’t like male doctors because they’re male. How very progressive of you.