Fist McKnuckles

Fantastic! $400 to play all my games again!

Right. Cops are cartoonishly evil by goading protesters. If the comic actually had something to say it wouldn’t draw the line so thick. Because of course Superman, the embodiment of good, is on the side of the protests. It would require thought to have him cross that barrier and see the other point of view rather than

Actually if a series of bad shooters came out people would say the genre was dying. The difference is that there han’t been this long list of bad shooters released in a small time window. There are probably a dozen terrible free to play games released every week, if not every day.

Meh. I’ve never been burned by a preorder and the last people I’d care about getting burned is the vile bunch of gamers I end up being associated with. I’m certainly not answering any rally call Kotaku asks for.

Do you do anything but watch clips and search stuff? Because that doesn’t sound very engaging to me. It sounds boring, regardless of the writing skill. That’s not a crack at the game, it’s genuine curiosity.

Get much oxygen in that bubble you live in? Nobody has said anything that “pwned” me, grandpa. And it’s 2015, not 2007. Nobody uses that word anymore.

I’d argue pretty much any grouping of people has a fair share of that. The internet has just made them louder and easier to see. But come on man, gamers hide in fantasy and don’t accept the real world more than religious people? You missed a huge one.

For wanting things to go in appropriate locations? I think the Weather Channel would suck if it had cooking shows, college courses would suck if they taught heroin use, and a website about racial equity probably wouldn’t appreciate hearing how great Ratchet and Clank is.

I probably would but I don’t see those. I think I visit at the wrong hours?

That’s the kind of inclusive and welcoming attitude I expect around here. Let’s ram our social justice horseshit right in everyone’s face and if they don’t like it we resort to sodomy in our comments!

My apologies. I was under the impression I was allowed to dissent. Forgot this is Kotaku where that’s fine as long as you’re against gaming and straight white males. Won’t happen again, God Of What The Fuck I’m Allowed To Think.

Ignore it if it isn’t relevant to me? I’ll remember that if I see racism happening. Or maybe the better idea is to take a stance instead of passively sitting by and watching the shit stack higher. I couldn’t give a damn how Gawker uses data (and as a big data analyst, you’re wrong by the way or Gawker is living in the

Sure and let’s start talking about the best set of tires for an 84’ Mustang or maybe why Perestroika was influential to Serbs.

I always forget I can’t give a thousand recommendations. Keep the social issues the fuck out, I come here for games.

I got them all in the first game. In the second they felt way too much like filler and there were way, WAY too many. I think I got around 60% before I just couldn’t stomach anymore. Same with the challenge maps. I do a handful then it just feels like perfectionist filler. I can’t feel like Batman if I’m methodically

Why is this gen just one big circle jerk of how to keep playing old games? Remasters, downloads, streams, BC.

You made a massive jump in logic. Being a member of Steam for 11 years has given me a ton of games that weren’t very good before early access was even a thing. I don’t buy impulsively and I don’t buy early access. There are thousands of games available that don’t fit that criteria that are unplayable or unfinished.

If only we had a way for people to warn us about such things. A sort of web or net to catch all the commentary of everyone through some interconnected space. An...inter-net if you will.

What does this have to do with anything?

I would love to see an increase in quality for games because of this. Been burned many times by games that are unplayable, unfinished, or too short to justify the cost. I’m not going to ask for a refund (though the godawful port of Deadly Premonition tempts me) but putting power in the hands of consumers is fantastic.