I love fighting. I’ve done it for a substantial portion of my life. I also love writing, and have studied it for a nearly equal portion of my life.
The developer is responsible for doing everything possible to prevent those new deaths, too.
To be totally fair to “Puckish figures”, Shakespeare knew enough to write Puck as just a regular old mystical fairy jerk, but with a little savoir-faire.
As a Jays fan, I’ll field this one: Yes, there is. Because punching someone during a fucking baseball game is a shitbird move for idiots. Whereas flipping a bat is at worst what... poor sportsmanship? The moment Body Odor sucker punched Bautista on the field, the Rangers lost the legs from the high horse they’d been…
Haha, the storytelling got “away from him in Metal Gear games”?
Just in time for use around the rest of the world to plummet.
Well, at least the shitty commenting stays the same level. Thanks for that!
This is neither here nor there, but as a man with a very new baby, living in an urban area with a LOT of porsches:
Alfredo sauces can be more healthy if you make them yourself. Much of the cream can be replaced with starchy water from the pasta itself.
Another helpful tip: Every time you say “no” to shitty food is a single victory. Don’t look at it as an endless struggle. It’s a thousand tiny battles. And the more victories you get the better.
Not really.
When you’re in Toronto, you talked about hitting them first and not being the ones to be hit second.
“This mildly interests me, in a sort of ho-hum way”
The film will be directed by Rob Marshall, the man responsible for the film adaptations of Chicago, Nine, and Into the Woods.
He pinched out a piece of his eye? This isn’t a “contact lens mishap”. This is an “idiot” mishap.
edited out
In addition to being one of the world’s most visible ambassadors of car culture
None of them will be good.