
Because of how violent football inherently is, and the fact that in order for football to exist in it’s current form it will always be violent, are any of you reaching the tipping point where you want to watch the games but can’t because of games like the one Cam had last night?

Barry, shit like this is the reason why I constantly contemplate giving up the NFL, fantasy, etc. The cognitive dissonance I experience when watching something I’ve liked since I was a child with the fact that people are getting their brains scrambled is reaching a breaking point for me, and I don’t know any other way

In my previous position at my current company, I actually made more than my boss, by about 10-15k

this is excellent

“oh, you’re sober cabbing tonight? have a drink anyways, it won’t matter!”

octane academy is free for us new FiST owners? I thought it cost money

I still want to have relations with her

I spit out my water. excellent

fuck ted thompson with an iron rod

really upset that you forgot about single dad:

don’t forget about overtime. the loss of overtime for salaried positions has also killed the middle and lower class

this is nightmare fuel

you wanna talk about shilling, Tom? The local pregame show had a 10 minute segment detailing what it took to “keep” the vikings, including shameless things like saying “good thing we paid up, otherwise they’d have left for LA!”

football should be called handegg

That hit me right in the feels


sounds good fam

yes, we know how smart you are for using that phrase

Giri, you seem like the most stylish dude at deadspin. Is my perception correct? please respond

turtle is a goddamn manlet. I like that he’s lifting his chin to appear taller than he is