
Pretty weird to not say anything weeks ago.

Privacy is one thing but this is kind of cruel.

Deep Impact was one of the few movies I cried for. (Specifically the beach scene.)

Deep impact is great, there is something about the optimism and resilience in 90s disaster movies that I will always love. The science of the film is better than most.

And his character actually gets to be a Scottish guy who is now American. No explanation and also no trying to fake a bad US accent.

I’m still not sure how Leelee Sobieski and Helen Hunt never played a daughter and mother in a movie or TV show. 

Excellent write-up on this often underrated movie. It’s one of my — and my 77-year-old mother’s favorite (she’s a disaster flick fanatic) films in that genre. While I agree that Leoni’s initial entry into the plot is slightly lame (for which I am somewhat forgiving as a community newspaper editor myself), she is

Wow who could have seen this coming? If only journalists and media houses would take a break from profiting off of Trump. So many careers and millionaires have been made off platforming him. Trump is uncontrollable. CNN knows it, Kaitlin Collins knows it and they decided to go ahead anyway because it is good for ad

What the fuck is going on at CNN? They've descended to Chuck Todd levels of journalistic incompetence.

I’m fucking tired of Republicans holding up a single example to justify every horrible thing they want to do. “This person burned all their SNAP benefits for the month to buy lobster, therefore nobody should have food assistance. This person regrets their decision to transition, so nobody should be allowed to

None of this is legal advice. In most states, worker’s comp will pay for any and all injuries (unless intentionally self-inflicted) that occur while on the job or on the premises. The thing is that (again, this true of at least some states, I can’t speak for all, and this isn’t legal advice,) businesses are immune

Most rape survivors who testified supported Boyd’s bill. One survivor wept as she said that if she hadn’t been able to have an abortion she may have died by suicide.”

Much like John McCain, they'd all go running to an abortion clinic if it was their kid or grandkid. At least McCain admitted his hypocrisy. 

Workplace violence is covered under worker’s compensation insurance. However, most states will only allow a victim to be compensated through a single channel. Her suing the school district, instead of going through their WC insurance carrier should net her a much better (well deserved) payout.

I, with my 5 months’ pregnant authority, officially invite any man who classifies giving birth as a mere “inconvenience” to go fuck himself.

The school board is trying to get the suit dismissed, saying her gunshot injuries are covered under worker’s compensation claims, which Zwerner chose not to use.

Indeed, I mean I don’t need fawning, but a lack of hate watching would be nice.

Facts don’t matter; Waystar controls the narrative no matter what ‘facts’ Gerri has. 

Manuel, maybe comedy reviewing isn’t for you?

Maybe you need to take a break from reviewing Bill Lawrence shows, Manuel.