
Yeah, it was the 80’s, but the dancing stunt doubles were cringe. It was what you expected from the stunt work from TV shows of the time. It was an enjoyable movie, but our imaginations were working overtime. It didn’t help that the dancing double was making such a stink about wanting the credit for the movie’s

No one is trying to force Feinstein to retire. They are loudly pleading with her to do the right thing and retire, or if she is incapable of making that decision (as seems likely), for the people surrounding her to be honest about it so that California can have a badly-needed senator.

It is objectively true that if RBG had retired under Obama, her replacement would not have been selected by the next administration, whose appointees were explicitly chosen to uphold a rightwing agenda. This is exactly what happened in 2020.

Does Pelosi have a greater responsibility to the country, or to her friend? Because if she decides she owes more loyalty to Feinstein than to the people of California and the United States of America in general, then she is also unfit for office.

Right, there is no realistic sense that her capacity will increase. Fetterman is a poor point of comparison, because mental health outcomes for a 53-year-old aren’t as intractable as age-related cognitive decline in an 89-year-old.

If Feinstein were to ask to be removed PERMENANTLY rather than on a temporary basis, the process would have to move forward. The hold-up comes from the cloudy response to when her return is to be expected. And no one wants to get into the nebulous zone of Election Season where they think no business should be

Speaking of Jimmy James, he’s trending on twitter. Probably for being in two HBO shows one after the other, lol.

I had JUST finished watching that the previous week and was like HEY IT’S ELLEN and made the same assumption.

We had a Zoom talent show at work yesterday, because it’s 2023 and of course we did.  I played some covers, including “So. Central Rain”.  There’s lots of REM songs that could be the greatest REM song of all time, but I’m glad to see you put it at #1.  (I also played “Game of Pricks” and “Ana Ng”.)

It’s always best to keep one’s options open.

Colin took the spot because Colin was the one they took out of the starting line up to make room for Zava.

He had the foresight to load plot-piercing rounds into his gattling blaster.

Personally, I’ve never understood the accusations about this season. So it has episodic stories with different tones, you mean like...a TV show? Which it’s always done since the first season? It’s very reminiscent of the people who accuse the MCU of being “too fun,” and I’d guess there’s a sizable overlap. And for all

“they didn’t feel as though it was full and complete and done in the typical way the FDA does this.”

“This is one of the many issues I think are best left up to elected officials at the state level, and it should not be adjudicated in the court,” she said.

If someone’s work means a lot to you, fuckin’ TELL EM while you have the chance. Don’t interrupt their dinner, obviously.

Everyone thinks “I want to retire when I can still do so in a dignified manner”. Problem is the older you get and the more powerful you are the less likely you are to realize when that time has come or have people around you who are willing to tell you harsh truths.

Yes, the California governor can fill Senate vacancies immediately with no restrictions. That person fills the seat until the next statewide election for that seat.


Democratic legislators need to realize there is no room for niceties any more.

If people didn’t learn from RBG, then we’re fucked.

I really hope this episode didn’t ruin my ability to enjoy Rupert Murdoch’s death when it comes.