
One of several reasons why I have tired of Jeremy Strong, both as an actor and his character, is that his far more showy character has stolen a lot of accolades from the supporting cast who have been kicking ass for years. It’s why I was delighted that Matthew Macfayden finally got his long overdue love. Ruck

Best episode of television this year, by a significant margin. The last time I was that shocked by a television show was when Ned lost his head. Just brilliant.

I am Glad Connor is vindicated in this episode. He’s not the worst. He didn’t manipulate Willa emotionally. He was fine with the relationship ending and acted like an adult. He moved past his Father shadow and cared about himself for once. 

Having twice been on the receiving end of very unexpected calls informing me of a loved one’s death - including an identical experience being asked to speak to someone as they were passing - this episode had in me in tears. The way they nailed all the different ways people handle sudden grief was masterful. Not since

“We can get an off-the-shelf funeral.....Reagan’s but with tweaks” is the line of the season so far for me.

It’s me. I’m the one. I want more Rey.

Let's not ignore the Rosario Dawson appeal.

I maintain Solo is the best script of the modern Star Wars movies and the most fun to watch. It’s a goofy heist movie starring an entire cast of lovable scoundrels. Had Disney not tried to compete with Infinity War from its rival studio (checks notes) er, Disney (throws notes into the air because oh my god who does

As a kid, I remember crawling over the power takeoff, a rotating shaft that connects the drive shaft of the tractor to whatever needs power on a wagon, rather than walking all the way around.

I’m so sorry.

I love how greys are telling me nah we didn't hate her because she's a woman, before getting annoyed and saying I liked the character.  I didn't like the Sequels and I wasn't the biggest Rey fan.  I just have something called empathy for the actress to know its not her fault and she got hit with a lot of abuse from

Star Wars: Legion of Neckbeards would be a great title for a fan-made film.

Let me save you the trouble and write you the headlines you’ll be using in about 8 - 14 months:

I feel a minor disturbance in the Force, as if a million neckbeards screamed out in impotent rage.

My father was a farmer, working with very large, very capricious machines nearly every day - alone; and no cell phones. You’d hear stories all of the time. I’m starting to see some of the sources of my old anxieties.

“I have no regrets. I’d do it again, I refuse to have that be a trauma and be a negative experience. That is a man that I’m proud of, because I wouldn’t let that happen to my nephew. I shift the narrative of being victimized, or making a mistake, or anything else. I refuse to be fucking haunted by that memory

The story mentions that some (CPS?) file lists the neighbors as the baby’s parents, who DO have a child abuse record.... so basically CPS thought they were taking the baby away from different people (?). And now the Jackson’s can’t prove THEY are the baby’s parents because they haven’t received the birth certificate.

Then why isn't the baby in the hospital now? If the child is in legal custody of someone other than her parents because they wouldn't admit her to the hospital, then why hasn't that happened yet?

When my daughter was 14 she ended up in emergency with something that ended up being very minor. However when your kid presents with stabbing abdominal pain and can’t stand up, you go.