Which got us this answer by Patton Oswalt.
Which got us this answer by Patton Oswalt.
What some people seem to fail to understand;
I cannot state emphatically enough how much I love this show. Anybody who hasn’t seen it should stop what they are doing now and start watching. The last episode had me welling up - it was so beautifully done.
It’s telling that in world with actual fucking dragons it is a bridge to far for POC to be there.
I’m surprised Trevor Noah’s departure is a surprise.
Perhaps because that didn’t happen.
This has to be the first time someone used the term “mainstream media” and then appealed to its authority.
It’s literally pointed out that they’re talking about the racist backlash. Not any and all backlash and negativity. But I’m sure you knew that.
It seems unlikely that the massive review bombing campaign that occurred before any episodes aired are the result of legitimate criticisms of the show.
People sure have a way of reading something that says “racists are bad” and thinking it said “all people in X group are bad racists.”
Racist gatekeeping nerds are the most fragile fucking losers on Earth.
Europe always had POC and evidence of them was intentionally and systematically removed from the historical record in the 19th century by racist historians in Europe and the U.S.
Not that racist, sexist jerkwads are ever easy to understand, but the backlash to this show… it really is the epitome of “Let us know you’re a sexless idiot without telling us you’re a sexless idiot”. The backlash makes zero sense to me. You really think the dude who dropped hallucinogens and created different…
The kid’s probably doing this stunt to own the Lib.
Please, please, please ladies get out and vote this November!
A fan base, mind you, that collectively shit its pants when Craig was cast because he has blonde hair.
Speaking of Skins, Joe Dempsie could also be an option. At 35 he’s the perfect age for the 10 year run they seem to want.
I’d go for Madden though. Bonus points for actually being Scottish.
I think Chiwetel Ejiofor and Tom Hardy face the same problem as Idris Elba: They’re just too old (45) to begin a 10- to 12-year run.