
It's both! Glenn Frey appeared on an episode that was based on his song, Smuggler's Blues

“How to piss off your neighbors and become the top Asshole on your street!”

It’s not really a competition. For the children being groomed - definitely the former. For other transgender/non-binary people who have never met Miller - the latter.

Which is worse, that they’re allegedly running a cult grooming children, or that they’re single-handedly setting transgender rights back 50 years in the process by providing the perfect case for homophobic bigots to point to when defending their hatred?

For reference, I’m 5'6" in bare feet, maybe 5'7" in boots.

Short kings exist aplenty in the world of riches and privilege. But some lesser known tech bros, finance guys, actors, and wealthy soft bois are going to extreme lengths to leave their short king status behind for the new shiny mantle of…slightly taller king.

Well, I can say from the other end of the spectrum (I’m 6'8") - the world certainly isn’t bending for me; based on the amount of shit I hit my head on...

i love this energy and this concept.

Why is this a story? How was he supposed to know she was her mother? I did a short stint working security for events like this a long time ago and it’s not like they provide the guards with a list of names + photos of people associated with whatever celebrities are there. The goal is to keep the wrong people out and

I never realized the woman was black, but based on how she was treated... I’m not in the least bit surprised. Her attorneys are absolutely correct that the behavior of the police department has implications beyond race... but I also have no doubt they would have at least thought twice to pull this shit if Jane Doe was

I just want to remind everyone that a bunch of people (probably not a majority with gerrymandering, but still, a bunch of people) keep sending this craven little fraction of a dingus to Congress. 

You didn’t answer the question! Just like the browser video. Sorry but how are you this bad at titling your videos? This one should’ve been “Should I upgrade my phone?” Because all you did was list reasons why old phones are likely still usable (replace battery for cheaper, make sure you’re still getting updates, etc.)

I’m not even sure what you’re being a prude about. It is quite common for viewers and commentators to reduce show and movie titles to acronyms based upon their titles when other abbreviations and shortcuts won’t work. Game of Thrones was regularly reduced to “GOT” or “GoT” in the same way that Lord of the Rings is

Eh, flashbacks are a thing.

hell yeah

I mean, it’s not like Galadriel and Celeborn were setting the screen on fire with their chemistry in the LOTR trilogy. They basically seemed like roommates in Lorien.

Five 8-episode seasons is 40 episodes, while three 13-episode seasons is 39 episodes. Basically the same (on streaming or premium cable, you can fart around with run times to get those the same length pretty easily). So suppose you’re an executive giving the greenlight to one of these. Do you a) spread the budget out

I feel you, closed-caption writer.

Given Theo’s fascination with what appears to be a Morghul blade, he’s almost certainly the future Witch King of Angmar.

[heart emoji] My brother went missing (presumed dead) approximately 18 months ago. After he went missing, my mom and I found some google searches on suicide and time spent on conspiracy theory sites. I did not reach out to him enough because he so rarely reciprocated and because he put on a brave face to the rest of