
Obviously she has the cash for it, but haggling over used/antique items is nothing new. In a way it's sort of fun to see how much you can get it down. Big deal, another non-news story.

As another poster pointed out, I think a "discount" means "haggled" which is par for the course with antiques. An antique shop that won't haggle on furniture at least is a weird antique shop.

A friend of my parents won a couple million in the lottery, he was already well off enough as it was. He did the things like buying a nicer car and a cottage on the lake but when it came to ordinary everyday things he never changed his ways. He would go to multiple grocery stores to find the best prices, book hotels

Wow, that's so fucking clever. A 65 year old woman isn't sexy, ooooh, buuuurn!
I mean really republicans, is that the best you've got?

If you seriously have to ask that last question, then you don't know anything about vaccines. Babies cannot be vaccinated before certain ages. They are very vulnerable during these times. Additionally, there is a percentage of the population that cannot receive vaccines due to immune disorders. There is also a small

I think some people, myself included, are concerned about the effects on people who cannot be vaccinated. My little sister was one of those people (immunocompromised), and herd immunity was what protected her.

Why women continue to support such a blatantly misogynist group of [every foul insult I can think of is entering my brain at once], is beyond me.

My point was that it's a generalisation to say that everyone who opts out of vaccinating their children are rich. It is, however, not a generalisation that they are stupid or uninformed. Because they are. They are putting people's lives at risk because they are either stupid or uninformed. There's the facts. How much

I dunno. I live in the Bay Area and every single person I know who hasn't vaccinated (a lot of kids at my son's school) make over 100k a year. Lots of Berkeley and Piedmont folks- they use whatever medical research they have found online to justify their decision which is always stupid. Personally I chose to vaccinate

Oh for fucks sake.

Little known etiquette rule that should be widely known: gifts are customary on many social occasions, but not mandatory.

I have no idea who started passing on that unbelievable idea - that the guests would pay to party - but it's well and fully a meme now. Awful!

So, this is only tangentially connected, but what is the general consensus of a "potluck" wedding? Like, you're poor, you want to invite a bunch of friends to come celebrate in your back yard, and you ask people to bring some eats or booze instead of a pricey gift. Is this weird/does it violate the concept of "if you

Wait, you mean instead of asking my guests for money I should just plan a wedding I can actually afford?! Witchery! Who would even have thought of that!

I... did you click around the rest of the website? DID YOU? Because I did, and I found this:

Even when I watched that show, it was easy to forget that Finn was Kurt's stepbrother. That clip though... commence with the ugly crying.

Off. That queen better count her lucky stars that one of those boys didn't fall in love with me. Those chapter titles would be a hell of a lot different:

Its a sharp metal spring that they jam into your fallopian tube... So that scar tissue can form around it and block the tube.

This cat is the living embodiment of the word 'doofus', and I loves it!

Maybe he's no good at drawing eyes? Like how in my high school art class, all the people in my drawings always had their hands behind their back?