Oh man but the pull out method is all types of gross in zero g.
Oh man but the pull out method is all types of gross in zero g.
Exactly. Are you paying per polka dot?
Does it count if I care in the "aw, I hope she's nice and they're happy and have fun together" kind of way. He seems like a cool guy and I have an unreasonable fondness for him, as if he was some nice kid from my hometown who made it big.
Has no one noticed the queen's corgis getting plumper?
While I don't think that they are sexual in the the least I don't think that a twelve year old should be wearing them exclusively. Kids are so irresponsible and leaving a tampon in for too long is dangerous. Maybe her mom can talk to her about it and make it clear that this is her responsibility and if anything goes…
WHAT. There is absolutely nothing inherently sexual about using tampons. 100 % in your friend's head and I pray she doesn't pass her issues down to her daughter. Is she really thinking about sex every times she goes to prevent blood from getting all over the place?
Why the fuck can't we have sleeves on wedding dresses in America? Clearly, sleeves are not such a scarcity in other parts of the world.
I think you're touching on some important things here. It wasn't until several months later that she was compeelled to come forward by a friend who threatedned that if she didn't report it the friend would. That doesn't feel right to me.
However, after it was reported and investigated, prosecutors and investigators…
In case you didn't know: this young midshipman didn't even want to press charges. She knew she'd been raped and figured she could skip the part where she'd be ritually burned at the stake and blamed for her rape in front of her peers while simultaneously having her career ruined. She wasn't even allowed agency in the…
Sadface for Tim Gunn, and not just because of not being able to come out to his parents. The "already presented my family with a lot of disappointments" bit makes me wonder what sort of family he had and what on earth they expected of him. He had a long and apparently well-received career as an educator, then followed…
Lately, due to some recent events involving my mental health and an ER visit, my father has begun inserting the phrase "we'll support you in anything you do" into every phone conversation we have.
I still don't understand this. Your employer-sponsored medical coverage is a form of employee compensation - the employer pays part of the premiums as an employee benefit, and the employee pays the rest. So are we really saying it's acceptable for companies to dictate how their employees spend that compensation,…
This is completely untrue. Not very many people know, but historical research will conclusively show that Millard Fillmore was a transgender woman, but was unable to live as such. Still attracted to women, this would make him our first lesbian president!
Here's an idea: any company that receives an exemption from providing insurance that covers birth control automatically has to provide mandated maternity leave, and insurance that covers medical costs associated with pre-natal care and giving birth.
Yeah, if I was single and a star in Hollywood, I'd sleep with as many hot men as I could, too. No question.
From what I understand the only male co-star she didn't sleep with was James Stewart, although it wasn't for a lack of trying. I'm not hatin' on her...she was in quite the candy store.
uuggggh, people: it's 'AN arab', not 'a arab'. geeeez, learn some grammar you racist idiots.
I'm genuinely surprised about the amount of male voices in this conversation. Not that watching or being interested in Miss America pageants is strictly for ladies but…. seriously?
I just put my elderly dog to sleep and I'm a little bit drunk (but still able to type and hit enter...which you think there'd be a way to disable THAT!). I'm ashamed now that I used to watch the two pageants on the TeeVee — Miss America and Miss Universe. With Bert Parks. It was a very special time in American…
And can I say how excited I am that this is about an ASTRONAUT WITH OVARIES?!