
I've been on all sides- the horrible, soul-sucking job surrounded by grays and blues and corporate logos, and the terrible customer service always on your feet "why can't my special snowflake chid do this thing do you know how much I paid to get in here?!" job. I've been self-employed. I have done some of these things

Part of this definitely came from (at least for me) the constant barrage of "good girls are nice and sweet to everyone" and later "don't burn bridges" from my parents. It's taken a good few years to realize that some bridges are very flammable indeed, and "good" is sujective.

Beautifully put.

Former cast member here, and thanks for saying so. Guests like the above made life terrible for people who have no control over wait times and how busy the park is. Like my greatest joy is making people wait in long lines.

There is a capacity for the US parks, but it gets MISERABLE long before they hit that point, and it only gets worse during parades and fireworks.

If you were into Disney and all that nostalgia, I'd say do it, but it kinda sounds like your. doubts are coming from a place that should be listened to. It's crazy crowded right now, and if you aren't willing to get caught up in the spectacle, it won't be much fun for you. Camp out at the beach and go for a good boat

Definitely getting that vibe. Of maybe it's just the horrifying stache.


I...admit to having punched my husband in the crotch when he snuck up on me in a darkened hallway. I had no idea who he was, and he grabbed me from behind. He agreed afterwards that he wasn't thinking and that he was proud of me for thinking on my feet. But yeah. Unexpected touching? Nuh uh.

A kid in my sixth grade class claimed that he couldn't turn in his project because he was moving to Bahrain over the weekend. The teacher made us all say goodbye to him and threw a freaking going away party, and was irate to see him in his seat on Monday.

Happy birthday!

Please be careful with the term "real" mother. This is incredibly devaluing to the woman who has raised this boy, and all four of them face something none of us can even begin to comprehend. Ideally, she'll find an appropriate place in his life, and I admire her so much for not pressing for a reunion right away. But

Your mom is amazing.

Sherman Alexie is AMAAZING. It's really too bad these people seem to be allergic to cultural perspective, because he dishes it out spectacularly.

This is quite honestly the reason I read FriendZone.

What they should do, instead of punishing those who have attempted suicide, is provide adequate resources in the first place so students don't find themselves in this horrible spot. Officials who don't blame victims and/or dismiss their accounts out of hand and counseling that doesn't come with potential punitive

I care. A lot. Sometimes it gets me in trouble, sometimes it gets me hurt, but I am passionate about what I think and feel and believe. That, and I have a very large vocabulary that I like to augment with swear words.

I'm a former cast member, and that's actually very accurate. Most of the time, we didn't say anything unless another guest complained. Not saying this was justified- really, this isn't the worst I've seen (helllo, bright pink thong hanging three inches over the edge of the jeans) but it's very easy to assume about

This. This forever.

I agree and add that if you're the kind of parent who's vocal about people taking time away from your family, they prooooobably aren't feeling exceptionally valued. I second the "can't do the party, but would love to see you at X" approach. I get that your kids are important, but if I'm going to get the "how dare you