It's a Kilt, not a skirt

Also, “we didn’t want to inquire into his criminal record.”

But he didn’t buy from the dealership, remember? He bought it privately from the literal conman that worked there. There’s not a universe where I trust a guy willing to sell his private car like that.

Usually you don’t get the title right off the bat when you buy from a dealer.

This is a pretty simple statement of claim:

Bill Of Sale is likely with the dealership. That’s where the contract is. 

Dude.  You’re blowing my mind with this reality-warping option.  

“Freelance salesman” as in “We don’t want to pay employment taxes, so we’re going to 1099 this guy even though he meets the definition of an employee?”

Manchin and the Democrats as a party completely failing to get shit done...

I’m pretty sure anyone in a “Brandon” shirt was shouting “She lost, get over it!” four years ago.

Saying “let’s go brandon” instead of “fuck joe biden” is cowardly. Wearing it on a shirt is just as cowardly. Just say what you mean, you fucking cowards.

Actually, it does define what masks count. A thong most certainly does not. Besides, nobody is getting kicked off over a misunderstanding. Flight attendants have a supply of masks and hand them out to people who are not in compliance. You only get kicked off for being a complete jerk about it. 

That’s because the whole thing is almost certainly staged for the sake of the video.   What’s amusing is that they did it thinking it somehow painted them in a good light.    

This guy might have been doing it just to make the video but I’m suspicious of the 2 other passengers that just decided to stand up and join him in solidarity. Any time I’ve been on a plane as it’s loading I just want everyone to sit the fuck down so they can shut the doors and we can take off and get to where we’re

I can’t believe we’re two years in and STILL have to explain the difference between spreading disease and catching disease.

Ooh and a "Brandon" t-shirt. So edgy and clever!

I recently flew on a couple of full flights, when the flight attendants came around with snacks and drinks we all took our masks off together. Thankfully Covid takes a break then, phew. Not to mention the 1000s of people passing thru the terminal, not bothering to mask up.

What’s going on in these people’s lives that they buy a plane ticket, then protest and get off the plane? I mean, I can afford to waste a $300 plane ticket but I DO need to get home, or wherever I am going. I just don’t understand these people.

Wearing my n95 indoors and being boosted says “i respect your fellow humanity and we are just trying to do our best”

Or a new police cruiser.

Everyone at Waze: