It's a Kilt, not a skirt

NASA solved this problem years ago. Dealing with old space shuttle tires was considered way too dangerous (think about that in terms of SLS risks analysis) so they built a “Tire Assault Vehicle” to depressurize them before anyone had to get close. Literally an RC car with cordless drill strapped to it.

I hate compressed gasses. I’m a hydraulics guy, I’d rather deal with 5,000psi oil than 100psi air.

With pretty much all of the episodes of Mayday on YT now, I’ve been watching WAY too much of that recently (the investigations are fascinating!). As a result, I just recently saw a demonstration of how explosive airline tires are... and the amount of damage a rupture can cause.  Gooey is probably the word that comes

Stored energy is no joke at all. I’ve been involved in testing relief valves. There’s no way to describe how violent these things are, especially on steam or very hot water. Guys that have tested them for 30 years, still nearly crap themselves when one goes off, even though they KNOW it’s about to go off.

This is why you don’t fuck around with stored energy.

You are exactly right! I was transporting bone marrow, which is actually stored at ambient temp, but other organs are actually kept cold. But it’s in an actual, off-the-shelf cooler.

I don’t know what this is all about - every single flight I have taken in my life, I have raw-dogged the hell out of it!  Never ONCE have I worn a condom while I was on an airplane!

Hey, those alpha bros can repeat the whole “look how tough I am” schtick with the kidney stones they’ll earn themselves.

They also call it “Barebacking”.

Right? This is the first time I’m hearing about this version. So I was confused when I initially read this headline thinking doing this action on a plane can kill you because I guess you can catch an STD or something? But why is the specific to planes? Is this some weird fad/trend going on with boring plane travel

By far, the most important thing you need when you fly is noise-cancelling headphones. No more engine low-frequency rumble, no more crying babies, no more people telling you about their religious convictions because they engaged you in conversation and found out you do scientific research.

The Guardian did an article on this and they said it was specifically an “alpha-male” thing to prove how macho they are.  So you can add some toxic masculinity to their wall-staring.

Rawdogging means precisely one thing, and it is not that.

Reading through this, my first thought was that they basically just described what it was like to fly pre-smart phones, but without a book and needing to pee more

I’m 100% going to wake them up or climb over them before I hold it for 15 hours. Not sure I’d make it more than 5 hours before I’m getting out of that seat.

Now playing

No credit to the OG of flight rawdoggin’?

In addition to what others have mentioned, your body is in a different state of operation while you are sleeping, not just your brain.  It’s not an apt comparison at all.

I would have woke them up, at least after several hours. If they want to sit in their seat the entire flight they should choose a window seat. I used to fly all the time, and flights where I knew I wasn’t planning to get up I would choose the window seat as to not be bothered by other passengers who may want to get up.

This is mind bogglingly stupid. Just read a book, drink water and walk to other end of the plane once or twice.  The idiocy people do because they saw it on TikTok. 

If you think you wake up in the same position you were in when you fell asleep, you really ought to set up a camera to find out just how much people move in their sleep.