It's a Kilt, not a skirt

It’s right inline with other fullsize ADV bikes.  R1250GS is 549 lbs (ready to ride), 1290 Adventure S is 474 (dry).

While you’re right that batteries are heavy, you’re leaving out the fact that EV drivetrains are a lot lighter than ICE. At the end of the day, there's not much difference.

Actually I’m curious how multilevel parking garages will deal with the weight increase. I’m sure they are designed with an expected average vehicle weight, plus a safety margin. If the weight of all the cars goes up 25%, that will directly eat into the safety margin.

There’s no actual increase in real world range. These new range numbers apply only to the EU model on the WLTP urban cycle. The US spec Wrangler is rated at 23 miles on the city cycle so that is the number that should compared here which is only a 30% difference to the 30 miles on WLTP. All WLTP numbers are about

Yes, that’s the Achilles Heel of EVs...their weight. Tesla Model S: 1200 pounds of batteries. Ford Lightning: 1800 pounds of batteries. Meanwhile, a full 16 gallon gas tank weighs 100 pounds.

Real upgrade to my life when my neighbor got an electric leaf blower.

I guess we’ll see a lot of 26+hp outdoor power equipment in 2024 then. Hell, they might just slap “26hp” stickers on everything and call it a day.

Agreed. I like to camp at a fairly remote spot and twice now a person has pulled up in their RV and run their generator all night to power fans and lights. COOL

You’d be surprised how little extra drag this sort of thing causes. I can bet there is waaay less difference dragging a car vs. the difference between a loaded and an empty trailer. Or even partially loaded vs. max’d out. Similar but not the same - in college I worked for an armored car/courier service that had both

Get in front of the semi, flashers on, waving frantically, slowing down at a gradual pace. I’d wager someone else would help block a second lane, assuming they’re not filming as well. Better than DOING FUCKING NOTHING!

Love how in these videos no one’s in a big rush to get the driver to stop, just pull out the phone and record.

It’s exciting reading about your German / Swedish adventure while we similarly embark in our own: this is our “new” 1949 Käfer we’re buying in Düsseldorf, driving around the Rhineland for 5 days then shipping back to Tampa. It’s the most bonkers thing I’ve ever done, by far.

You ok?

In 5 days, I will formerly be a chef in healthcare institutions. It’s for the reasons you list. Hell, the wages you list mean you may even be in my area. In four days, I found a job managing inventory for 8K a year more, with better benefits. I’ll cook Christmas dinner for friends and family for a change. My regional

That’s the problem with these contractors, shitty pay and likely no benefits.

I love teaching but the worst part of the job is the idiot administrators and the paperwork they demand, with parents and public right behind. Working with the students is the good part.

The company I work for just raised the entry level pay for call center personnel to just over $20 an hour. You don’t have to deal with huge buses, unruly kids and split shifts, but you do have to talk to a lot of people who have more time than sense on their hands.

Around here they offered the school health insurance to the drivers, it is some really good insurance so some retired and semi-retired people said fuck yeah, I'll schlep kids around a few hours a day.

It’s what Principal Skinner would do.

I’m a teacher, and the excessive workload and being expected to meet the mental health and behavioral needs of students returning from 2 years of unstable schooling as a classroom teacher have me wanting to leave the job after a decade. I wouldn’t want to be a bus driver with my current salary, let alone what the