It's a Kilt, not a skirt

Jesus, who beat your dog this morning?

Also been audited by the IRS for a hilariously small amount of money. There’s absolutely no way the amount they wanted from me paid the hourly rate it took for the tax person to figure it out, but then this dude wrecks the IRS for millions (billions?) and BRAGS about it.

A hit dog will holler…

It’s almost like a game at this point, he’s trying to see what he can get away with. Apparently he can get away with anything.

Can’t wait to hear how this is somehow Bernie’s fault

Good lord he’s such a petulant little piss-baby

The dude wildly manipulates the stock market without consequence. Martha Stewart went to prison for less, and she’s a rich white lady.

How he gets away with blatant stock manipulation is crazy. Only the rich area allowed to do it I guess. Any mere millionaire tries to manipulate stock and the SEC is on their ass like a fat chick on cake.

It’s brave of you to admit that you have a terrible sense of humor

And why does he seem so preoccupied with adolescent sexual themes?

How does Elon know what Ron’s post-orgasm face looks like? 

You don’t get to be the richest person in the world by being well adjusted.

Tons of people just want transportation and don’t much care about conversation starters if the price works. 

Neutral: The Taycan is amazing, imo. I see one here in my little town pretty regularly and i stare at it every time it drives by. Its a very striking car in a way that no Tesla approaches. 

Well put.  The best part is, if they eventually make a Type R version of the new Integra, we’ll all get to be performatively outraged all over again when they reveal it!

Let me address the common complaints, one by one.

I like it. I won’t buy it, but I like it.

Website infamous for its snark and distain for modern vehicles upset about snark and distain for modern vehicles from its users.

Good thing no one is testing their self driving tech with the public!

Don’t worry, this is only the result for those testing the beta version.