It's a Kilt, not a skirt

Ultralight aircraft also cannot be operated over controlled airspace or any congested area in a city or town, which in practice means that you’re basically limited to flying entirely over your own private property or far from any populated area, or you’re hoping there’s no authorities who see you. I have daydreamed

My father was a WWII aircraft mechanic, he would not let me stand inline with any rotating prop or engine fan as a matter of safety.


This, 110%, I’m not a trained aviator in any scale and dealt with quadrotor helis at the hobby show I used to work at before changing careers. No fucking way to I want to be any where near any of those flying blenders if they ever get sold. I’ve seen the damage and heard the stories if things go wrong in the r/c field

What’s the over/under on how long it takes before there’s an accidental beheading?

Here ya go

The blades being on the same height at your head and body seems... scary.

You were test driving it and were being hyper sensitive to how the car was driving. Imagine if you’d owned it for a while and were doing a normal daily commute; you think you’d be quite as quick to react? Nothing to do with being a moron, it’s called being human.


Ford built a reservation system they could not honor.

That’s not just true of highly automated systems, it’s true of everything. When I was in medical school, one of my mentors told me “it’s very easy to be a good doctor when nothing goes wrong.”

1. Carvana’s interest rates to purchase a car were over triple what I was quoted elsewhere.

ALL of these automated systems, every single one in every market and industry, rely on two things: nothing ever, EVER goes wrong and if when it does, there is a competent person whose job is to make it right.

“I loved the car, but I hated the experience so much I didn’t want it anymore,”

I’ve dealt with this a few times.
1) Boss 302 - gave up and then as the 13s were rolling out, a salesman I’d talked to months earlier called saying somebody backed out on a white 12 (what I wanted) and he’d let it go for MSRP if I was the first one there. I ran out the door at work, yelled something toward my boss

100% this. How much future business did they flush down the toilet in order to get +/-$10k upfront? It’s insane, yet it happens all the time.

I tried to order an in demand Wrangler late last year. The local dealer gave a verbal agreement over the phone of “sticker price plus fees”. I asked about the fees on the phone and they seemed normal. I made an appointment to custom order the car. I went into the dealer knowing exactly what I wanted. When we got to

Eh, you can now say that you’ve at least read it. 

It doesn’t look like you can say that anymore. :)

Asked my sales guy yesterday about this. Said they sell at MSRP and usually don’t get anything in writing, but could get something in writing if I wanted.