It's a Kilt, not a skirt

Volvo going public means they will have to answer to shareholders, who typically have short term gains, and not the company’s best interest, in mind. I hope they know what they are doing.

1st Gear: The difference in market value between Tesla and Volvo is absolutely wild, and I think a pretty good indicator of how the stock market is just smoke and mirrors.

He can attend online classes at the University of Pheonix after he serves his time for this crime.

It’s easier to say, a visceral hatred of anyone not like themselves - in other areas, it’s Prius drivers, drivers of the wrong brand of pickup, supporters of the wrong football team, people from other states, people from other countries, people who vote for the wrong party, people with the wrong skin colour, people

A star for that.

As a cyclist I know it only takes one fixie bro running a red to give us all a bad reputation, but just this week, I had a guy flip out on me because he wanted to merge to a right turning lane and I had right of way while hugging the curve. I delayed his life on a Sunday morning by seconds but he acts like I grabbed

The two cases requiring air evacuation alone could go north of $2mm just in medical bills, and then start adding zeroes if there’s anything like loss of lifetime earnings and ongoing caregiving factored into the final award. A 50K policy maxed out about the time the second ground ambulance pulled into the ER bay.

Not to mention that a lot of insurance policies are null and void when the injuries are committed as a crime

What’s at the root of this problem is too many motorists have a visceral hatred of cyclists, even when they do nothing to cause inconvenience to the driver.

Plenty of kids can handle being able to drive a truck. It’s just a vehicle like any other.

100% chance this will bankrupt the family unless they have significant assets. There was a closed head injury, 2 air transports, 6 victims, multiple broken bones...I can’t imagine this will cost less than 1-2M in medical and I’ll bet the policy is state minimum and will only cover 50K.   This should serve as a lesson

Or not being in constant pain and saddled with medical debt.

Either this attorney thinks everyone is an idiot who will believe this hogwash about “criminal intent” or he’s the only attorney not to have understood a single thing in first year law.

“A person with a political motive terrorizing and injuring civilians”

This Trump-like defense of intent is becoming more common. It is unlikely Trump will ever be indicted for crimes, but if he is, his initial defense will be he didn’t intend to break the law. Tax evasion? Inciting a terrorist attack? Fraud? None of it was intentional. And that tax code is complex. How can you expect

A friend of mine who was a city attorney for decades once said, in situations like this, because they happen more than you’d think, “Always replace the victim with a police officer. Are they still innocent? And if the victim WAS a police officer, replace them with a civilian. Are they still guilty?

Affluenza must be nice.

“No criminal intent,” and yet he was trying to assault the cyclists with his vehicle?

Fucking shitty ass parents raising shitty ass kids.