It's a Kilt, not a skirt

Does it look better without them? You bet! Can I think of a better idea that would still meet all the safety standards of the day? Nope.

The C8's rear trunk is designed to hold golf bags. 

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Perhaps they meant “upgrade” in terms of sound quality. A v8 sounds much better than a v6, no doubt about that. You often don’t get to use all of that horsepower, but if you can sound like you have lots of horsepower? That’s the gravy!

I looked it up and you are correct. The 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee with the 4.7 had 235 HP. There was a H.O. version of this engine in the works, but it came out after the Prowler was canceled and only added about 30 HP.

Yeah, sure is easier to make an “external” engine look nice when you don’t have to cover it with modern emissions devices and such...

The 5.2 and 5.9 were “too wide.”

I used to love to ride. Got hit by a car where the lady tried to claim she had the right of way (she was turning to her left directly in front of me and I had no stop sign or light or anything) and I sold my bike. I love it, but not worth getting mangled or leaving my kids with no father.

Yeah I was going to write a comment how its not worth the dangers of riding on the road but these folks were training ironman so how else would they do it.

If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.

I hope the guy is a civil engineer. There’s a lot of planning that go into crosswalk placements to make it safe for pedestrians and drivers. You can’t just willy nilly place them anywhere you wish and expect it to be safe.

Otherwise I’d definitely put them on 50mph country roads right in the middle of a blind corner as

Look at that speed bump more closely. It’s aligned terribly for him to enter or exit his garage. His tire will drop into a low gutter that will allow his car to bottom out. There’s a problem with the location and design of that speed bump!

It really depends on the speed bump. My dad worked in a place that put in speed bumps throughout the complex, and found that his completely stock midsize sedan could not cross them at any speed without bottoming out. After several weeks of being ignored by the department responsible for the speed bumps, he got them

It was in front of his garage he wasn’t hitting it at speed. It’s possible it was just a shitty speed bump. 

A cross-walk to where?  A park?  A store?  Their own private parking spot?

A number of years back the university that I work for put in a bunch of extra speed bumps that were way too tall and had too sharp an angle on them. A lot of people were bottoming out after having to come to nearly a complete stop. They were bolted into the asphalt, so a bunch of the student finally just stole them.

If the online form doesn’t work, spray painting a penis around it will.

This is a car site, right? There’s no mention of the car he’s claiming is damaged. What is it? Is it a stock vehicle that is high-centering? Is it a slammed 350z that bottoms out at every curb and railroad track? Or is it a Minivan that’s bottoming out as he’s flying over it? It would actually give us some background

In retrospect, he obviously should have poured a little quickset along both edges of the speed bump to smooth it out.