It's a Kilt, not a skirt

Installing a heater in my garage has to be the best thing I’ve done. When its -20F outside, I can wrench in a T shirt on a dry car.

That’s a beautiful 9th gen right there

They don’t even need a extra device. OnStar is tracking your GM vehicle at all times and it’s built right in.

Housting is about as close to Mad Max world I have personally ever encountered.

At some point, a savvy insurance company will market itself as not tracking its customers. Eventually, that will be the insurance company I go with.

1st Gear:

1st gear: If this is anything like all insurance companies... If you’re a shit driver your rates will skyrocket, and if you’re an excellent driver you’ll save $10 every 6 months.

For me the hands down winner is “value cover gadgets”. 

I tried to pick my favorite misspelling and I’m having trouble - might be “I have all the recipes.
“taming chain” is pretty hilarious too though.

I don’t think it’s a question of whether you like the truck or not, though. It’s a question of, if you did like this kind of thing, would it be worth the money?

This. The amount of accidents caused by bald tires/bad ball joints/non-working brakes, etc is crazy.

You really should. The hole on the left side wasn’t even visible. This giant chunk fell off, when I ever so gently poked it with a screwdriver.

The problem continues to be - what are the alternatives? It would be great if we could stop salting roads because upwards of 7 billion dollars a year in application and subsequent damages.

I live in PA. I have friends who are state licensed inspection techs. They constantly end up failing vehicles for major structural issues that the owner had no idea existed. Upper strut mounts that are flailing about after the structure rotted away. Rear axle beams that are nearly rotten in half, lower control arm

Anyone who has ever worked in large factories, construciton sites and other complex heavy technology knows that regular machinery and equipment inspection saves lives and is mandatory for very real reasons.

I’m in favor of mandatory inspections. And I think they should be pretty strict, maybe not Germany strict, but still pretty strict. That is just from a public safety POV. Form a poverty point of view, far from hurting people on lower incomes, it protects them. It makes sure they have that major asset as something that

The dirty secret about telematics is that it is horribly insecure.

Fuck them both, but fuck John Deere in particular.  I will never own one of their products of any vintage, solely because of their insane anti-repair crusade.

They were talking about two different things.

Thank goodness. The ads, for and against, sounded like they were talking about two completely different things. The “No on Question 1 ads had the flimsiest arguments saying that it would lead to people getting stalked and raped and that it would allow Autozone and other parts stores to sell your data. First of all,