It's a Kilt, not a skirt

Sure, there’s that, but my issue is that I didn’t care for his choice of direction. The entire identity of Lotus is that it builds uncompromising cars embodying Colin Chapman’s “simplify and add lightness” philosophy. If that can’t support the business, then it is better to have no Lotus than to have it crank out

Oh yeah, this is THAT asshole. I skimmed the article so I didn’t fully recognize the name until now. Yeah, fuck that guy and his “vision” for Lotus.

Danny’s problem has never been turning out beautiful renders. Its been turning them from renders to reality.

Federal courts have been randomly and unpredictably striking down state courts ballot extensions, which had previously allowed ballots to be counted as long as they were post marked by election day. Federal courts are doing this without a clear framework, precedent, or legal reason.

I hadn’t considered goats.

And if Congress passes “rules” the states will cry “Muh Tenth Amendment!” all the way to the Supreme Court.

The door lever pre-dates the doorknob.

Neutral: I’ve been reading about all the potential election scenarios, which is a great way to lose sleep, regardless of party affiliation.

Interestingly enough, in public buildings in the US they are. You don’t have to replace them outright, but if you put in new hardware, or doors, or do construction you have to use levers, not knobs, due to the ADA.

They can if they plan on selling it for another 12 years.

I’ll take it off your hands for a while. 

But did you use it to race techno barbarians in planes? Since there’s no twin turbo to kick in, I hope you didn’t risk it.

All cars with T-tops are cool. That’s just science.

Now THAT’S a Jalop story!

Always a thrill to see an article about the Ridley Scott Superbowl commercial.

Since high school i dreamt of the z32. Finally got one w/ low miles last month and i cant stop looking at it :stupid drool face:

Now playing

That’s a pretty good Nissan ad. Probably the second greatest Nissan ad ever. After this one:

You don’t get to just read the visor. You have to earn the right to read the visor.

“A long time ago a friend of my Dad told me that his Ford Escort ZX2 manual could do 60 MPH in first gear.”

A long time ago a friend of my Dad told me that his Ford Escort ZX2 manual could do 60 MPH in first gear. I laughed at him, which my Dad didn’t like. This was before I was “mature” enough to wait and make fun of him later.