It's a Kilt, not a skirt

I sincerely hope there is not a second term. Trump has done little to benefit those who voted for him, and even less for those that did not. Why the fuck would those fools vote for him a second time? This Trumpesque shit is happening world wide and is disheartening.

This is nuts. Amba lance.

In order for me to purchase a Harley they will have to make Project Livewire a production bike. It’ll have to be under $15k, and have a range of 200 miles. I rode Livewire when Harley took their prototypes on tour and I had a damn good time. They said recently that it will go into production in the near future.

You had an idiot friend with a very unsafe and not road worthy truck. I hope you never rode with him and you were both ignorant kids, with inattentive parents. This is one reason why more states need vehicle inspections, says the person living in FL with unsafe vehicles on the roads.

“Speed cameras are a fact of life these days..” In America? No. I wasn’t aware we had ANY here. Fuck that Euro trash.

Buy a used VW! You won’t be too far off.

I love Gavin and Dan, aka The Slow Mo Guys. It’s cool to see them continue to get paid to do stuff like this and for it to cross over to my Jalopnik readings.

You poor bastard.

Ahhh. My GF barely touches my cast iron, let alone move it to the truck. She has learned that my truck does not store trash unlike her Civic.

No, but Adobe Photoshop is.

Had you two gone on a camping trip recently!? Why on Earth was the cast iron in the car?

This is one of my personal favorite rules of the Internet.

You’re a piece of shit. That is a legal practice in California and should be in all other states that the weather permits riding year round. You sir, fully deserve a self-driving car.

Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

I can attest to this.

They’re trying, but their main customer base isn’t ready for modernization.

Nope, not just you. It’s a phenomena I have seen all over Florida and I’m sure it happens country wide.

I have never been that guy. I leave basically the same room as I would in my truck. Those guys that get that close don´t leave themselves room to escape if something does come at them from behind. I don´t get it, it was never anything that anyone tried to teach me.

True, itś hard to have parkour not be exciting.  

That was cool, thanks for sharing.